The New World Translation
Jesus' Witnesses

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Anonymous untitled note discussing the point that JW's are inconsistent in their insistence to quote scriptural verses in context, as indicated in the composition of NWT itself, (undated) [jw-007.txt]

Authority of the New World Translation (undated) [greber.txt]

Enemies of the Cross, by James Walker. Watchman Expositor (undated) [jw-071.txt]

Germans, JWs, and John 1:1, by James White (1989:Jan.18) [jw-011b.txt]

Mantey and Barclay Letters to the Watchtower (with comments from Paul Thompson). [anon. post, undated]. In the past the Watchtower used Professor Julius Mantey's Greek Grammar Text to support their interpretation of John 1:1. The following is a copy of a letter sent by Professor Mantey to the Watchtower Society in regards to their misquoting him. Attached also a letter from William Barclay. [jw-056.txt]

'Perversions in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures', Dr. Walter Martin. 1977, Bethany Fellowship Publishers. Excerpt from: The Kingdom of the Cults. [jw-016.txt]

Re: New World Translation, by Dave Christie (1992:Jul.27). Email memo from Dave Christie to Carla Rygula. [jw-024.txt]

The Torture Stake Theory - Exposed!: How Cults Have Staked Their Claim on Shaky Ground, by Paul R. Weathers, (undated). Member, Founders' Board, Mount Carmel Outreach - Institute for Christian Apologetics, Inc. [jw-034.txt]

What Greek Scholars Really Think; About the New World Translation, "The Word was a god", HELP Jesus, (undated). Quotations from a number of well known scholars and personages about the New World Translation. [jw-015.txt]

Who is Johannes Greber, anon. (undated) [wtgreber.txt]

Words From the Founder: The New World Translation, Excerpt from an interview conducted by Walter Martin with Dr. Julius R. Mantey, Christian Research Journal, (undated). [jw-011a.txt]

The World's Most Dangerous Book!!, anon. (undated) [Personal Freedom Outreach Midwest] [jw-031.txt]

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Jesus' Witnesses

Document prepared by permission, ICLnet.

NJB, 1996:Nov.17