Let's examine the Watchtower's erroneous argument of this using complete Biblical verses instead of bits and pieces, shall we? Using the altered NWT that the Watchtower forces its members to use, we find this view contradicted by the very verses within. First, Matthew 24:3 was altered to read: "What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?" (NWT) The Watchtower's altering of "coming" to "presence" solved one problem for their past Biblical prophesies, but what were they to do with Revelation 1:7? "Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him. Yes, Amen (NWT). Why would this Scripture bother saying "Look!" if we couldn't see Him? The Watchtower had to figuratize the embarrassing phrase "every eye will see him" to mean "eyes of understanding" acquired upon believing Watchtower publications. Why then is the Greek word for "eye" the same as for the "eyes" that Jesus gave sight to when healing a blind person (Matthew 20:34)? Jesus healed literal eyes and literal eyes will see Him when He comes back to earth. We might also ask, how exactly will "those who pierced Him" see Him, when Witnesses teach a soul-sleep/annihilation for the dead instead of the Biblical teaching of a conscience existence after death? I challenge you to believe the Bible exactly as it is written, not the altered NWT version. Also if you are a Jehovah's Witness and you claim to be of an "open mind" as is implied by many Jehovah's Witnesses, why won't you read works and the history about the Jehovah's Witnesses written by non-Witnesses such as Bob Larson, Walter Martin, Lorri MacGregor, and many others instead of just Watchtower publications?