ANNOUNCEMENT On [] there is a new interface to the WhitePages, xwp, which runs under the X Window System. This interface is now available for "alpha" use. To try it out, you need to telnet to from an X Window system. Your telnet should be smart enough to pass the terminal type "xterm" (post-4.2). Login as fred. At this point you will be asked: If you want X windows access, please enter your DISPLAY name, otherwise, if you do not wish to use X windows, enter "none" DISPLAY (default= If you want to use fred, you should simply enter "none". Otherwise, enter the IP address and display number of your server. At this point, you are ready to rock-and-roll. Note that you will be asked this question ONLY if your telnet client says that your terminal type is "xterm". For those interested, after this code leaves alpha/beta, it will be available, in source form, for a modest licensing fee from PSI (probably similar to the PSI SNMP terms). MANUAL PAGE XWP(1C) USER COMMANDS XWP(1C) NAME xwp - WhitePages interface for the X Window system SYNOPSIS xwp [Xt options] DESCRIPTION xwp is an interface to the white pages using the X Window system. It uses the X toolkit, so the usual resource mechanisms are supported. The application class is "XWP" and the top-level window name is "xwp". The top-level window is divided into three sections of interest to the user: a set of command buttons, a message window, and a "forest" containing the parts of the white pages known (to some extent) by xwp. To search the white pages, you use the "whois" button. To browse the white pages, you click a line in the forest. SEARCHING Searching is basically a two-step, recursive process. STEP 1 After you enter searching information, a list of areas in which to perform searching is determined. If no area infor- mation is specified, a default area is chosen. If the list resolves to one area, then the search proceeds as described in Step 2 below. Otherwise, if the list resolves to more than one area, then a new application window is created. This window contains the list of areas along with a brief summary of what search will be performed. Whenever you click on a line in this window, the search described in Step 2 is performed, using the corresponding area. STEP 2 At this point, a search is made based on the naming informa- tion provided. If a single match is found, then a new application window, containing information on that entry, is created. Otherwise, if more than one match is found, then a new application window is created. This window contains the list of matches. Whenever you click on an line in this win- dow, then a new application window, containing information on the corresponding entry, is created. BROWSING Clicking on a line in the forest directs xwp to expand the corresponding entry in the white pages. So, what does "expand" mean? If the entry is a leaf, then a new application window is created which contains information on that entry. If the entry is a non-leaf, then the immediate children of the entry are added to the forest. If all of the children can not be determined, then xwp will list a fictitious line containing an ellipsis ("..."). Later, if you click on the ellipsis line, then xwp will try to find all the immediate children of the corresponding parent. If xwp is unable to determine all of the immediate children of an entry, a new application window, containing informa- tion on that entry, is created. COMMAND BUTTONS Clicking on a command button invokes the corresponding com- mand, which often pops-up a form fill-in window. The user should move the cursor to the appropriate fields and enter new information if desired. Afterwards, the user should click on the "Done!" button. WHOIS This pops-up a form fill-in window asking for search information. To begin, in the "Name" field, you simply enter some part of the name of the object you are interested in. You can achieve wildcarding by using the asterisk character (`*') wherever you like. In order to focus searching, you might wish to tell xwp what kind of object you are looking for. This is done by repeatedly clicking on the "Object" field. In order to further focus searching, you might wish to provide some additional search criteria to xwp, by entering it in the "Info" field. The semantics of this field depends on the object type. For people, this field specifies a job title, and for organizations, it specifies a business category. By default, xwp will search for the name in a corresponding area, which are usually set by the system administrator. You can override the default area by clicking on the "areas" button of the top-level window (described next), or you can enter the name of the area you are interested in the "Area" field. Finally, as you might guess, it helps xwp to know what kind of area it should be looking for. You can repeatedly click on the "Type" field to achieve this effect. AREAS (experts only!) This pops-up a form fill-in window asking for the dis- tinguished names to be used when searching. For each object type, a separate base area is defined. OPTIONS This pops-up a form fill-in window containing the current xwp operating parameters: variable function debug debug xwp level user expertise listing completeness of expansion namesearch type of name used for matching phone display phone numbers in one-liner photo display images in reverse-video soundex use soundex for matching, when no wildcards are present verbose verbose interaction verify verify default areas STATUS This flashes a brief message indicating whether xwp is currently connected to the white pages. THISIS (experts only!) This pops-up a form fill-in window asking for informa- tion to be used when binding to the white pages. HELP This pops-up a transient window displaying the manual page for xwp. QUIT This terminates xwp. MORE ON SEARCHING (experts only!) Here are a few more hints on searching: If you specify a distinguished name in the "Name" field, then no searching occurs, a new application window, contain- ing information on that entry, is created. If you specify a distinguished name in the "Area" field, then xwp will search entries in that area only. If the contents of the "Name" field looks like an RFC822 mailbox, then searching takes on a new perspective! If nothing is specified in the "Area" field and if there is no wildcarding in the domain portion of the mailbox, then xwp will determine those areas that are likely to contain the mailbox (a step-1 search). Otherwise, if an area is speci- fied or a wildcard is present in the domain portion of the mailbox, then xwp does the usual step-1 searching, looking for that mailbox in the appropriate area(s). FILES /usr/etc/dsaptailor system QUIPU tailoring file $HOME/.quipurc user's QUIPU tailoring file /usr/etc/fredrc system runcom file $HOME/.fredrc user's runcom file SEE ALSO fred(1c) DIAGNOSTICS All obvious, assuming you can understand diagnostics from the X Toolkit. AUTHOR Marshall T. Rose, Performance Systems International, Inc. BUGS This is a prototype. Although the textual concepts are modeled after fred, there are some commands that are in fred but not xwp: alias, because you can browse instead; dish, since xwp talks directly to the DSA; edit and report, since these are hard to implement; and, manual, since the help command does the same thing. When entering text, CR does not behave as expected. When resized by a window manager, xwp may resize its inter- nal windows in a funny way. This is usually fixed when the user continues browsing. Finally, on some displays, photos come out in reverse video. So, there's an option to allow you to toggle this.