UK Academic Community Directory Group Preparing data for inclusion an X.500 Directory Paul Barker Department of Computer Science University College London United Kingdom Date: April 1990 _A_B_S_T_R_A_C_T This note is intended to be a practical guide on preparing data for inclusion in the the U.K. Academic X.500 Directory Pilot. While the focus is on the U.K. Pilot, much of the document has general applicability to both academic and commercial sites, in particular those sites running the Quipu X.500 system. This note is intended to augment the information in the Quipu manual [1], and also to make some of the information therein more digestible. However this note falls far short of being a replacement for the manual, and Directory administrators will still need to refer to the Quipu manual for detail. Some of the discussion that follows refers to general X.500 issues, while other parts, for example those on access control and EDB files, necessarily refer specifically to the Quipu system. Aspects discussed include: the depth of the Directory Information Tree; choice of Relative Distinguished Names; selected object classes and attribute types; Quipu access control lists; format of EDB files. A number of example entries are specified to clarify the points discussed. - ii - May 25, 1990 UK Academic Community Directory Group Preparing data for inclusion an X.500 Directory Paul Barker Department of Computer Science University College London United Kingdom Date: April 1990 _1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n This note is intended to remedy the current dearth of practical information given to sites participating in the U.K Academic Directory Pilot on how they should prepare their data for inclusion in an X.500 Directory. The note follows the X.500 recommendations where they give specific guidance. In addition, where appropriate, the consensus view which has emerged through discussions in the Directory Group is expressed. Furthermore, guidance is given on the use of some Quipu-specific details: for example, object classes and access control lists. Areas that are discussed are: o+ The depth of the Directory Information Tree o+ Choice of Relative Distinguished Names o+ Selected Object Classes o+ Selected Attribute Types, including access control lists To make the discussion more concrete, a number of examples of Directory entries are given in Appendix A. These are specified in the Entry Data Block (EDB) format used by the Quipu Directory system, currently used in the Pilot. _2. _N_a_m_i_n_g _o_r_g_a_n_i_s_a_t_i_o_n_s _a_n_d _p_e_o_p_l_e _i_n _t_h_e _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y The Directory is a distributed database, hierarchically structured in the shape of a tree. Figure 1 gives an - 2 - example Directory Information Tree (DIT) with a few entries. Large entities, such as countries or international organisations, appear under the root of the tree. Medium size entities, such as national organisations, appear further down the tree. Entries for individuals and other small entities appear at the leaves of the tree. Every entry in the Directory has a _d_i_s_t_i_n_g_u_i_s_h_e_d _n_a_m_e (DN) which unambiguously identifies that entry. The distinguished name of an object can be derived from the structure of the DIT by concatenating the _r_e_l_a_t_i_v_e _d_i_s_t_i_n_g_u_i_s_h_e_d _n_a_m_e_s, (RDNs) from the root downwards, of the entries higher up the tree. Thus, from figure 1, the leaf entry with a RDN of "CN=Staff Room" has the distinguished name "C=GB, O=University College London, OU=Computer Science, CN=Staff Room". [Diagram omitted in plain-text version] Figure 1: Hypothetical DIT There are thus two factors which determine the directory name of an object: o+ The depth of the Directory Information Tree o+ Choice of relative distinguished names These are now discussed in turn. _2._1. _T_h_e _d_e_p_t_h _o_f _t_h_e _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _T_r_e_e The X.500 standard allows a considerable degree of flexibility with regard to the depth of the tree. Some levels in the tree, such as country, may be omitted, while others such as organisational unit, can be used at one level, at several levels, or omitted entirely. Figure 2 shows part of the schema recommended in the X.500 standard. However, it is strongly advised that U.K. pilot sites follow the more restricted model which is now described. All U.K. academic sites should appear immediately under the "C=GB" entry. It is inappropriate for them to appear immediately beneath the root of the tree as U.K. universities and polytechnics are not supra-national organisations. [Diagram omitted in plain-text version] - 3 - Figure 2: Part of suggested DIT structure recommended in X.500 The general presumption is for a DIT which tends to flatness rather than depth. This implies that usually one, but at most two, levels of organisational unit should be used, although a small institution might consider not using organisational units at all. It may be tempting to organise a university's name space in some highly structured manner, taking account of college, faculty, department, staff/student and even further sub-divisions. However this leads to the construction of very long and unnatural names. It seems reasonable that the hierarchy chosen should be tailored at least as much to the requirements of the Directory user searching for information as it is to the administrative or management structure of the organisation. This criterion militates against a deep DIT structure. _2._2. _C_h_o_i_c_e _o_f _r_e_l_a_t_i_v_e _d_i_s_t_i_n_g_u_i_s_h_e_d _n_a_m_e_s Just as the shape of the tree should be chosen to facilitate querying of the Directory, the RDNs chosen to name entries should be as meaningful as possible to everyone. The naming strategy agreed by the U.K. Directory Group is that RDNs should usually be the commonly known long name of the object or person. For organisations and organisational units, this means that sets of initials should be avoided, unless the longer name form is not widely known. Long, not commonly used, over-formal names should also be avoided. This policy becomes more important the further down the tree one goes. Initials here have highly specialised, not universally understood, meanings. While people in computer science departments in universities know that CS is short for Computer Science, most people do not. Indeed, people running Computing Services might even dispute this interpretation! The following examples show various "good" and "bad" RDN choices. - 4 - 8 _________________________________________________________________ Good choice Bad Choice 8 _________________________________________________________________ University College London UCL Brunel University Brunel Crudthorpe University 7 The Royal and Most Pompously Benificent University of Crudthorpe Computer Science CS Paul Barker 7 Paul John Fred Bert Sid Barker 8 _________________________________________________________________ 7 |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| _3. _O_b_j_e_c_t _c_l_a_s_s_e_s _a_n_d _n_a_m_i_n_g _a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s Every entry in the Directory has to have an _o_b_j_e_c_t _c_l_a_s_s attribute. This defines what sort of object the entry purports to describe. This "typing" of objects determines what sort of attributes the entry can have. While figure 1 shows some hypothetical entries, each with a single object class, in practice an entry will often have multiple object classes. This allows the entry to have a number of sets of attributes. It is suggested that entries created should have certain Quipu and THORN object classes, as well as the basic object class defined in the standard. This allows the use of non-standard attributes, such as access control lists, photos and favourite drinks. Furthermore, a site can experiment with additional attributes and object classes by adding their own local definitions to the _o_i_d_t_a_b_l_e_s. This topic is beyond the scope of this document. See section 13.10 of the Quipu manual for details of how to do this. In addition to the object class attribute, every entry must have a RDN. The RDN is simply an attribute value of the entry used for naming. The standard recommends that certain attributes should be used as the naming attribute for each object class. The Directory Pilot is following these recommendations. The following table adds detail to the above discussion by showing which object classes and naming attributes should be used when creating entries for some typical real world objects. 9 - 5 - 8_________________________________________________________________________________________ Object type Basic Object Class Recommended Naming attribute additional object classes 8_________________________________________________________________________________________ University organization quipuNonLeafObject organizationName University organizationalUnit quipuNonLeafObject organizationalUnitName department Person organizationalPerson thornPerson commonName quipuObject Role organizationalRole quipuObject commonName Room room thornObject commonName quipuObject 8_________________________________________________________________________________________ 7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| Table 1: Objects, object classes and naming attributes NOTE: Aliases should not be used for the purpose of attributing a role to a personal entry. Aliases should only be used when one wants to be able to reference an entry in 2 separate naming contexts. If a person split their work equally between two departments within an organisation, it would be desirable to have two directory names for that person. One of these names would correspond to the person's entry, and the other would be an alias which references that entry. Aliasing could also be used to reference an entry outside the scope of a single organisation. For example, "c=gb@o=networkshop@cn=a.findlay" could be an alias to "c=gb@o=brunel University@ou=Manufacturing and Engineering Systems@Dr A J Findlay" _4. _A_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s The object class or classes selected for an entry define the set of attributes that the entry both must and may contain. The following table gives some indication of the range of attributes that can be assigned to the objects detailed in Table 1, if the suggested object classes are used. 9 - 6 - 8___________________________________________________________________________________ Object type Must contain attribute May contain attribute 8___________________________________________________________________________________ University organizationName, acl, description, seeAlso objectClass postalAddress, postalCode, streetAddress, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, telexNumber University organizationalUnitName as for University department objectClass Person commonName acl, localityName, streetAddress objectClass postalAddress, postalCode surname telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, description, seeAlso, userPassword title, info, photo, favouriteDrink, userid, userClass, secretary, homePhone, homePostalAddress, textEncodedORAddress, rfc822Mailbox Role commonName acl, roleOccupant, seeAlso, description objectClass postalAddress, postalCode, streetAddress, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber Room commonName acl, info, photo, seeAlso objectClass telephoneNumber, description 8___________________________________________________________________________________ 7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| |7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7|7| Table 2: Objects, mandatory attributes, and (some of) the optional atttributes The usage of the majority of the above attributes should be self-explanatory. However, the usage of a few of them, in particular the _a_c_c_e_s_s _c_o_n_t_r_o_l _l_i_s_t, merits some elucidation or comment. The _a_c_l, or _a_c_c_e_s_s _c_o_n_t_r_o_l _l_i_s_t attribute, is used to specify the type of access allowed, on which entries or attributes, by which user or group of users. It is categorised above as an optional attribute. This is slightly misleading. It IS optional to include the attribute within an entry in the EDB file. However, if it is not present, then the DSA will automatically add a default access control list attribute. It is important to note the semantics of default access control. It gives public read access to all attributes, and write access to the owner of the entry. In fact things are a little more complicated than this. Before write access is allowed, the owner of an entry has to authenticate her/himself to the Directory. Authentication requires that a user provides a password, which is compared with the value of the password attribute in the users's entry. Thus write access is only possible on entries with a 9 - 7 - password attribute. However, as soon as you add a password attribute, the default acl is no longer sufficient, as this allows public read access to all attributes! Thus, if you add userPassword attributes to a personal entry, you _m_u_s_t also have an explicit acl attribute. This should allow compare access to all for the password attribute, but _n_o_t read access! A further modification to the default access control will almost certainly be desirable, if users are allowed to modify their own entries. There will probably be certain attributes which should only be modified by a directory administrator; for example, commonName, surname, objectClass and the access control list itself. It is worth noting that the term _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _a_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_o_r used above is a rather imprecise one. It could mean one of two things. First, each DSA has a manager, identified by the _m_a_n_a_g_e_r attribute of the DSA entry. This person has the right to read, create, modify and delete any entry or attribute within that DSA. This is analagous to the root login on a UNIX system. It is also possible to give additional access privileges to other users, if they are explicitly named in entries' access control lists. This allows separation of the roles of DSA management and data management. For the sake of both clarity and brevity, it is considered that the best detailed explanation of how to set up access control lists is by the use of examples. Appendix A contains sample acls for the following cases: o+ Entries are to be read-only for all users o+ Entries are to be read-only for all users, except a named administrator or group of administrators. o+ Users will be able to modify some, but not all, attributes in their entries. It is suggested that you follow the templates initially until you feel you need to do anything more complicated. This is not the place for a full tutorial on access control. For those of you who wish to delve deeper, access control is explained at greater length in section 10.2 of the Quipu manual. _s_e_e_A_l_s_o is used to specify the DNs of other closely related objects. For example, when used as an attribute of a room object, seeAlso could be used to indicate the room's usual occupant(s). - 8 - _p_o_s_t_a_l_A_d_d_r_e_s_s should be the full postal name and address as used for the physical delivery of paper mail and parcels (up to 6 lines of 30 characters each). _t_e_l_e_p_h_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r, _f_a_c_s_i_m_i_l_e_T_e_l_e_p_h_o_n_e_N_u_m_b_e_r _a_n_d _h_o_m_e_P_h_o_n_e should be stored using the full international format: i.e. +44 123 456789 _d_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n and _i_n_f_o can be used for arbitrary descriptive text about the object. _t_i_t_l_e should be used to describe the position or function of an object within an organisation. _f_a_v_o_u_r_i_t_e_D_r_i_n_k is not a mandatory attribute, but should be! _u_s_e_r_C_l_a_s_s may be used to distinguish various categories of system user. For example, at UCL we differentiate between academic staff, research staff, support staff, 1st year students, MSc students, postgraduate students, etc. _s_e_c_r_e_t_a_r_y should be the DN of a person's secretary. _p_h_o_t_o is a G3 fax encoded photograph. Consult sections 13.5.3 and 13.5.4 of the Quipu manual for more details. NOTE: The assigning of some attributes, for example, both to a personal and a role entry can lead to a violation of the relational model, with concomitant updating problems. The crux of whether to duplicate the information within, in this case, the role entry depends on whether the role actually has an attribute associated with it in its own right. Consider the case of a departmental secretary. If the person filling the role left the organisation, the phone number associated with the role would remain the same. Thus the role should have a telephone number attribute. The same would not be true of a departmental library representative. As different individuals filled the role, so the phone number associated with that role would change. In this case, the phone number should not be an attribute of the role entry. _5. _Q_u_i_p_u _E_D_B _f_i_l_e_s Until data bulk loaders and data merging tools are produced, the simplest method of getting some information into the directory is to edit the DSA's EDB (Entry Data Block) files. These files are hierarchically organised within the UNIX file system, in a manner which corresponds to the structure of the DIT. This is explained at greater length in section 13.1.3 of the Quipu manual. - 9 - The first task when setting up a DSA for an organisation is to create an entry for the organisation and for the DSA as stated in the U.K. Pilot's Directory System Configuration Guide [2]. APPENDIX A contains templates for both these entries. When you have prepared them, you are should mail these entries to quipu-support, to become registered as part of the pilot. You will probably now need to create some organizationalUnit entries to reflect the structure of your organisation. (It is assumed here that most universities are too large to consider putting all their entries immediately under the organisation entry.) Finally, you will need to create entries for people, rooms and roles. Example entries can be found in APPENDIX A. _6. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s [1] Stephen E. Kille, Colin Robbins, Michael Roe, Alan Turland, _Q_u_i_p_u, in Volume 5 of Marshall T. Rose's "The ISO Development Environment Users's Manual (Version 6.0)", January 1990. [2] Paul Barker, _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _S_y_s_t_e_m _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e, in University College London, Department of Computer Science Research Note 90/7, January 1990. - 10 - _A_P_P_E_N_D_I_X _A This appendix contains extracts of sample EDB files which illustrate the points above made in the text. Each EDB file created should begin with the following two lines. The first says that the EDB is a master, as opposed to a replicated SLAVE copy. The second line is the UTC time when the EDB file was created. This format can be achieved with the following UNIX incantation: date +%y%m%d%H%M%SZ MASTER 900323184046Z Entries consist of a number of attribute=value pairs. In all cases, the first attribute type-value pair is the RDN. Each attribute type-value(s) pair must be on a single physical line (no line-wrapping). Multi-valued attributes can be represented in one of two ways. First, they can be represented as a number of separate lines of type-value pairs. Second, they can be represented by a sequence of "&" separated values on one physical line. Entries are separated by one or more blank lines. Lines beginning with a "#" character are regarded as comment lines. N.B. You may notice that the representations of some values in the EDB files are subtly altered after the files have been written back by the DSA when entries are modified. In particular, "@" characters will appear as \40 (the hexadecimal equivalent) in email addresses. This is because the "@" character is treated specially in some cases (within distinguished names) and the DSA is trying too hard to be careful not to confuse this character with a meta-character. Both forms are equally acceptable. The remainder of the appendix gives examples of entries for DSAs, organisations, organisational units, people, roles, rooms and aliases. DSA entry # your chosen DSA name - must be South American wildlife cn= llama # address of the DSA - for detail on how to represent multiple addresses # for multiple network types, see other (UCL's, for example) DSA entries once # you can connect to the Directory presentationAddress= Janet=12345678901234 # this stays as is edbinfo= #cn=giant tortoise## - 11 - # self-explanatory description= Description of your animal description= Descriptions are often more than one line # this stays as is objectClass= quipuDSA # The distinguished name of the dsa manager. This can be a special entry or # be a user with special privileges manager= c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # userPassword is a mandatory attribute for DSAs (intended for DSA # authentication), but is currently unused! Put your DSA name here for now userPassword= llama # fill in the DSA manager name in the ACLS as appropriate acl= group # c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # write # entry acl= others # read # entry acl= group # c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # write # default acl= others # read # default # The current value in ~isode/isode*/quipu/quipuvrsn.c quipuVersion=6.0 Distribution # this stays as is supportedApplicationContext=QuipuDSP & X500DSP & X500DAP Organisation entry # the name of your organisation o= University of Life # the position in the DIT of the entry for your DSA masterDSA= c=GB@cn=llama # fill in the DSA manager name as appropriate acl= group # c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # write # child acl= others # read # child acl= group # c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # write # entry acl= others # read # entry acl= group # c=gb@o=University of Life@cn=dsaManager # write # default acl= others # read # default # this stays as is treeStructure= quipuNonLeafObject & quipuDSA & applicationEntity & applicationProcess & person & organizationalUnit # Organisations DTE x121Address= 234219200300 # These should be obvious - note the formats telephoneNumber= +44 71-387-7050 postalCode= WC1E 6BT businessCategory= University streetAddress= Gower Street stateOrProvinceName= London l= London # this stays as is objectClass= quipuNonLeafObject & quipuObject & organization & top # alternate name form for the organisation - useful for searching o= UL Organisational Unit entry - 12 - # this entry shows a simple entry for an organizational unit, in this case # a university department. # the omission of an acl attribute means that the default acl is implied # default acl means that this entry can only be modified by the DSA manager # but the attributes may be read by all # note the use of the "&" character in the objectClass attribute to separate # the multiple values of the attribute ou=Electronic and Electrical Engineering masterDSA= c=GB@cn=Giant Armadillo objectClass= quipuNonLeafObject & quipuObject & organizationalUnit & top # this is a more complicated entry for an organizational unit, showing a # large list of possible attributes ou=Computer Science slaveDSA= c=GB@cn=Giant Armadillo masterDSA= c=GB@cn=Vicuna lastModifiedBy= c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Science@cn=incads lastModifiedTime= 900423134417Z seeAlso= c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Centre x121Address= 234219200300 & 000005111600 facsimileTelephoneNumber= +44 71-387-1397 telexNumber= 28722 $ G $ UCLPHYS telephoneNumber= +44 71-387-7050 x 7214 telephoneNumber= +44 71-380-7214 postalCode= WC1E 6BT postalAddress= Dept. of Compter Science $ University College London $ Gower Street $ London $ WC1E 6BT businessCategory= Computer Science searchGuide= person#cn$APPROX searchGuide= person#cn$SUBSTR searchGuide= person#uid$EQ searchGuide= person#sn$EQ ou= cs streetAddress= Gower Street stateOrProvinceName= London l= pearson building objectClass= quipuNonLeafObject & quipuObject & organizationalUnit & top People, Room and Role entries # this entry shows some of the considerable range of attribute types that # can be associated with personal entries # personal entries should have a commonName as the RDN and must also have a # surname attribute # # there is no general mechanism for multi-line string attributes (the # newline or return character is not included in the set of characters defined # in printableString # # see the address field for an example of how to represent a multi-line # postal address attribute. This attribute has a special syntax will allows # for multiple lines # - 13 - # look very carefully at the access control attribute # the first 2 lines of the acl allow all to compare a purported password with # the value in the entry (this is required by the bind operation), but # only the owner to modify it # the third line contains a list of attributes which can only be read by all, # including the owner of the entry # all attributes not mentioned in this list as read-only may still be written # by self (this is 'inherited' from the default acl) cn=Paul Barker homePostalAddress= 34 $ Gateley Rd $ London $ SW9 9SZ secretary= c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Science@cn=Maria Widdowson userClass= csresstaff roomNumber= G21 drink= guinness mail= textEncodedORaddress= /I=P/S=Barker/Ou=cs/O=ucl/ 400/c=gb/ uid= paulb telephoneNumber= +44 71-380-7366 sn= Barker cn= Paul Barker userPassword= SECRET acl= others # compare # attributes # userPassword acl= self # write # attributes # userPassword acl= others # read # attributes # objectClass$accessControlList$surname$ etc. objectClass= organizationalPerson & thornPerson & quipuObject # another personal entry with read only access control # the simplest way to achieve this is to omit the acl and userPassword # attributes # use the seeAlso attribute to associate the entry associated with the role # performed by the person # the title attribute should be used to describe a person's function within # an organisation cn=Natalie May userClass= csresstaff roomNumber= G06 sn= May title= Departmental Secretary seeAlso= c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Science@cn=Departmental Secretary objectClass= person & top & thornPerson & thornObject & quipuObject # yet another personal entry with read only access control, but with the # addition of a manager (other than the DSA manager) who is able to modify # the entry cn=Ferdinand Bloggs userClass= freeloader roomNumber= 123 sn= Bloggs acl = group # c=GB@o=XYZ University@cn=Joe Soap # write # entry acl= group # c=GB@o=XYZ University@cn=Joe Soap # write # default acl= other # read # entry acl= other # read # default objectClass= person & top & thornPerson & thornObject & quipuObject - 14 - # this is a typical room entry. # room entries should have a commonName as the RDN. # Note the use of the seeAlso attribute to associate a person with the room cn=Staff Common Room telephoneNumber= +44 71-387-7050 x 3681 cn= Staff Common Room seeAlso=c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Science@cn=Jon Crowcroft objectClass= room & thornObject & quipuObject # an example of a role entry. # role entries should have a commonName as the RDN. # Note the use of the roleOccupant attribute to associate a person (or # persons) with that role cn=Departmental Secretary roleOccupant=c=GB@o=University College London@ou=Computer Science@cn=Natalie May telephoneNumber= +44 71-380-7214 cn=Departmental Secretary objectClass=organizationalRole & quipuObject Alias entry # an example of an alias entry, illustrating required object classes cn=Andrew Findlay aliasedObjectName=c=gb@o=brunel University@ou=Manufacturing and Engineering Systems@Dr A J Findlay objectClass=alias & quipuObject