Patch is a very useful tool that will take a file containing differences between two versions of a file and update your version of the file. On your directory machine make a unix directory (probably under /u1/home/isode) called 'patch'. The source code for the patch is available from UCL via FTAM/NIFTP. Recover the file patch.shar from the 'src' directory, and place it in the newly created 'patch' directory. Type sh patch which will unpack various files. To compile/install patch... First of all you need to run the Configure script (by typing 'Configure'). It asks a lot of questions about your system; pressing return in answer to all of them seems to do the right thing. Then type 'make'. 'su' to root and type 'make inst-all' Patch should now be installed. To apply a patch, move into the isode-6.0 directory (or whatever version we have got up to). Copy the patch - this can be the original mail message, as patch knows to skip over all the headers - into a file called latest.fix or similar. Type patch -p < latest.fix Then re-make and install Quipu... ./make all-quipu su ./make inst-quipu Colin