Carex L. Sedge Sarat
  • Diplocarex
  • Homalostachys

Foodplants for Aphantopus hyperantus, Chortodes pygmina, Cleora cinctaria, Coenonympha oedippus, C. tullia, C. tullia caeca, Coleophora glaucicolella, Cosmopterix clemensella, C. fernaldella, Crambus silvella, Diplopseustis perieresalis, Elachista alpinella, E. argentosa, E. atricomella, E. coloratella, E. eleochariella, E. gleichenella, E. humilis, E. juliensis, E. kilmunella?, E. nobilella, E. sagittiferella, E. utonella, Ematurga atomaria, Erebia disa, E. embla, E. fasciata, E. ligea, E. neriene, E. niphonica, E. pawloskii, E. rossii, Euphyes bimacula, E. conspicua?, E. dukesi, E. dukesi calhouni, Euthrix potatoria, Helotropha leucostigma, Hesperia florinda, Ichneutica infensa, I. sulcana, Laelia coenosa, Lethe appalachia, L. eurydice, L. marginalis, Lopinga achine?, L. achine, Macrochilo cribrumalis, Minois dryas, Monochroa suffusella, Mythimna impura, M. pudorina, Neonympha mitchellii?, Ochlodes ochracea, Oeneis bore, O. jutta, O. magna, O. norna, Oreisplanus munionga, Plusia festucae, Poanes viator viator, Scopula virgulata, Thymelicus sylvatica, Triphysa nervosa, Ypthima motschulskyi, Zygaena exulans

[sp-1.jpg] 900x1350 (~101Kb) FINLAND, Ab: Suomusjärvi, 669:31, 18.6.2005, Photo © Markku Savela [sp-1x.jpg] 900x1259 (~99Kb) FINLAND, Ab: Suomusjärvi, 669:31, 18.6.2005, Photo © Markku Savela [sp-1y.jpg] 1200x932 (~99Kb) FINLAND, Ab: Suomusjärvi, 669:31, 2.7.2005, Photo © Markku Savela
[sp-2.jpg] 900x1350 (~145Kb) FINLAND, Ab: Suomusjärvi, 669:31, 2.7.2005 (cultivated), Photo © Markku Savela [sp-3.jpg] 900x1147 (~285Kb) USA: Stop at Colorado River on rd. 128 (38°40'56"N, 109°28'42"W), Grand Co., Utah, 15.8.2005, Photo © Markku Savela [sp-3x.jpg] 1000x1384 (~107Kb) USA: Stop at Colorado River on rd. 128 (38°40'56"N, 109°28'42"W), Grand Co., Utah, 15.8.2005, Photo © Markku Savela
[sp-4a.jpg] 1202x1802 (~271Kb) USA: Washington, King Co., Tinkhan Rd Trip (clearcut at 4200ft), 15.7.2010, Photo © Markku Savela [sp-4b.jpg] 1202x1802 (~206Kb) USA: Washington, King Co., Tinkhan Rd Trip (clearcut at 4200ft), 15.7.2010, Photo © Markku Savela [sp-5a.jpg] 1202x1802 (~267Kb) USA: Washington, King Co., Tinkhan Rd Trip (somewhere ...), 15.7.2010, Photo © Markku Savela
[sp-5b.jpg] 1202x1802 (~136Kb) USA: Washington, King Co., Tinkhan Rd Trip (somewhere ...), 15.7.2010, Photo © Markku Savela

The exact identification of these species is still unknown, but tentatively assumed to belong into this group.

This content is currently mostly a merge of [RK] and [GMBOT].The latter divided the species into two sections Vigneae [Beauv.] Kochand Eucarex Griseb. I have used the subgenus division ( Vignea , Carex and Psyllophora ) of the former source, assuming all Vigneaego into subgenus Vignea . All Eucarex , which didn't have any matchingtaxons already, have gone into Carex , but some of them actually mayneed to go to some other subgenus, such as Psyllophora ?-- msa

Subgenus Vignea P. Beauv. ex. T. Lestib

The entries of Vigneae from [GMBOT], which didn't appear in [RK].

Subgenus Carex

The entries of Eucarex from [GMBOT], which didn't appear in [RK].

Subgenus Psyllophora Degl.
  • Primocarex Kük.

Unmatched external taxa