PAX is a TSR terminal program. Easy to use and many features. Split screen for send and receive, scroll back review, capture and file send, print, 10 brag buffers, automatically sets date and time, 3 color schemes and many more .. Interrupt driven, so no drivers required. You can use 9600 baud between PC and modem even in the slowest machines ! Supports COM 1,2,3 & 4. Quick switch between 2 modems and any hot key can be selected. Download PAX and read the document file for full information. NOTE: PAX.COM version 3.00 is 11474 bytes long. for syntax "PAX /?" and for Help "PAX /H" * From VU2ZAP Raj * Comments are welcome VU2ZAP@VU2RSB.BLR.IND.AS Feedback can also be sent to Lakshman "Lucky" Bijanki, VU2LBW on the INTERNET at