patch-2.4.4 linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-clps7500.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.3/linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-clps7500.S linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head-clps7500.S
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * linux/arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Nexus Electronics Ltd
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+		/* There are three different ways the kernel can be
+		   booted on a 7500 system: from Angel (loaded in RAM), from
+		   16-bit ROM or from 32-bit Flash.  Luckily, a single kernel
+		   image does for them all. */
+		/* This branch is taken if the CPU memory width matches the
+		   actual device in use.  The default at power on is 16 bits
+		   so we must be prepared for a mismatch. */
+		.section ".start", #alloc, #execinstr
+		b	1f
+		.word	0xffff
+		.word	0xb632		@ mov r11, #0x03200000
+		.word	0xe3a0
+		.word	0x0000		@ mov r0, #0
+		.word	0xe3a0
+		.word	0x0080		@ strb r0, [r11, #0x80]
+		.word	0xe5cb
+		.word	0xf000		@ mov pc, #0
+		.word	0xe3a0
+		adr	r1, 2b
+		teq	r1, #0
+		bne	.Langel
+		/* This is a direct-from-ROM boot.  Copy the kernel into 
+		   RAM and run it there. */
+		mov	r0, #0x30
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+		mov	r0, #0x13
+		msr	cpsr, r0
+		mov	r12, #0x03000000	@ point to LEDs
+		orr	r12, r12, #0x00020000
+		orr	r12, r12, #0xba00
+		mov	r0, #0x5500
+		str	r0, [r12]
+		mov	r0, #0x10000000
+		orr	r0, r0, #0x8000
+		mov	r4, r0
+		ldr	r2, =_end
+		ldr	r3, [r1], #4
+		str	r3, [r0], #4
+		teq	r0, r2
+		bne	2b
+		mov	r0, #0xff00
+		str	r0, [r12]
+		mov	r12, #0x03000000	@ point to LEDs
+		orr	r12, r12, #0x00020000
+		orr	r12, r12, #0xba00
+		mov	r0, #0xfe00
+		str	r0, [r12]
+		adr	lr, 1f
+		mov	r0, #0
+		mov	r1, #14		/* MACH_TYPE_CLPS7500 */
+		mov	pc, lr
+		/* Call Angel to switch into SVC mode. */
+		mov	r0, #0x17
+		swi	0x123456
+		/* Ensure all interrupts are off and MMU disabled */
+		mrs	r0, cpsr
+		orr	r0, r0, #0xc0
+		msr	cpsr, r0
+		adr	lr, 1b
+		orr	lr, lr, #0x10000000
+		mov	r0, #0x30		@ MMU off
+		mcr	p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
+		mov	r0, r0
+	 	mov	pc, lr
+		.ltorg
+/* And the rest */
+#include "head.S"

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: