patch-2.4.20 linux-2.4.20/arch/ppc/platforms/pmac_sleep.S

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diff -urN linux-2.4.19/arch/ppc/platforms/pmac_sleep.S linux-2.4.20/arch/ppc/platforms/pmac_sleep.S
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * BK Id: %F% %I% %G% %U% %#%
+ */
+ * This file contains sleep low-level functions for PowerBook G3.
+ *    Copyright (C) 1999 Benjamin Herrenschmidt (
+ *    and Paul Mackerras (
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
+#include <asm/cputable.h>
+#include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
+#include "../kernel/ppc_defs.h" // DAMMIT !
+#define MAGIC	0x4c617273	/* 'Lars' */
+ * Structure for storing CPU registers on the stack.
+ */
+#define SL_SP		0
+#define SL_PC		4
+#define SL_MSR		8
+#define SL_SDR1		0xc
+#define SL_SPRG0	0x10	/* 4 sprg's */
+#define SL_DBAT0	0x20
+#define SL_IBAT0	0x28
+#define SL_DBAT1	0x30
+#define SL_IBAT1	0x38
+#define SL_DBAT2	0x40
+#define SL_IBAT2	0x48
+#define SL_DBAT3	0x50
+#define SL_IBAT3	0x58
+#define SL_TB		0x60
+#define SL_HID0		0x68
+#define SL_HID1		0x6c
+#define SL_MSSCR0	0x70
+#define SL_MSSSR0	0x74
+#define SL_ICTRL	0x78
+#define SL_LDSTCR	0x7c
+#define SL_LDSTDB	0x80
+#define SL_R2		0x84
+#define SL_CR		0x88
+#define SL_R12		0x8c	/* r12 to r31 */
+#define SL_SIZE		(SL_R12 + 80)
+	.text
+	.align	5
+#if defined(CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK)
+/* This gets called by via-pmu.c late during the sleep process.
+ * The PMU was already send the sleep command and will shut us down
+ * soon. We need to save all that is needed and setup the wakeup
+ * vector that will be called by the ROM on wakeup
+ */
+	mflr	r0
+	stw	r0,4(r1)
+	stwu	r1,-SL_SIZE(r1)
+	mfcr	r0
+	stw	r0,SL_CR(r1)
+	stw	r2,SL_R2(r1)
+	stmw	r12,SL_R12(r1)
+	/* Save MSR & SDR1 */
+	mfmsr	r4
+	stw	r4,SL_MSR(r1)
+	mfsdr1	r4
+	stw	r4,SL_SDR1(r1)
+	/* Get a stable timebase and save it */
+1:	mftbu	r4
+	stw	r4,SL_TB(r1)
+	mftb	r5
+	stw	r5,SL_TB+4(r1)
+	mftbu	r3
+	cmpw	r3,r4
+	bne	1b
+	/* Save SPRGs */
+	mfsprg	r4,0
+	stw	r4,SL_SPRG0(r1)
+	mfsprg	r4,1
+	stw	r4,SL_SPRG0+4(r1)
+	mfsprg	r4,2
+	stw	r4,SL_SPRG0+8(r1)
+	mfsprg	r4,3
+	stw	r4,SL_SPRG0+12(r1)
+	/* Save BATs */
+	mfdbatu	r4,0
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT0(r1)
+	mfdbatl	r4,0
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT0+4(r1)
+	mfdbatu	r4,1
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT1(r1)
+	mfdbatl	r4,1
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT1+4(r1)
+	mfdbatu	r4,2
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT2(r1)
+	mfdbatl	r4,2
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT2+4(r1)
+	mfdbatu	r4,3
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT3(r1)
+	mfdbatl	r4,3
+	stw	r4,SL_DBAT3+4(r1)
+	mfibatu	r4,0
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT0(r1)
+	mfibatl	r4,0
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT0+4(r1)
+	mfibatu	r4,1
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT1(r1)
+	mfibatl	r4,1
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT1+4(r1)
+	mfibatu	r4,2
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT2(r1)
+	mfibatl	r4,2
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT2+4(r1)
+	mfibatu	r4,3
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT3(r1)
+	mfibatl	r4,3
+	stw	r4,SL_IBAT3+4(r1)
+	/* Save HID0 */
+	mfspr	r4,HID0
+	stw	r4,SL_HID0(r1)
+	/* Save 7400/7410/7450 specific registers */
+	mfspr	r3,PVR
+	srwi	r3,r3,16
+	cmpli	cr0,r3,0x8000	/* 7450 */
+	cmpli	cr1,r3,0x000c	/* 7400 */
+	cmpli	cr2,r3,0x800c	/* 7410 */
+	cmpli	cr3,r3,0x8001	/* 7455 */
+	cmpli	cr4,r3,0x7000	/* 750FX */
+	cror	4*cr1+eq,4*cr1+eq,4*cr2+eq
+	cror	4*cr0+eq,4*cr0+eq,4*cr3+eq
+	cror	4*cr0+eq,4*cr0+eq,4*cr1+eq
+	bne	1f
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_MSSCR0
+	stw	r4,SL_MSSCR0(r1)
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_MSSSR0
+	stw	r4,SL_MSSSR0(r1)
+	/* Save 7450/7455 specific registers */
+	beq	cr1,1f
+	mfspr	r4,HID1
+	stw	r4,SL_HID1(r1)
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_ICTRL
+	stw	r4,SL_ICTRL(r1)
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_LDSTCR
+	stw	r4,SL_LDSTCR(r1)
+	mfspr	r4,SPRN_LDSTDB
+	stw	r4,SL_LDSTDB(r1)
+	/* Save 750FX specific registers */
+	bne	cr4,1f
+	mfspr	r4,HID1
+	stw	r4,SL_HID1(r1)
+	/* The ROM can wake us up via 2 different vectors:
+	 *  - On wallstreet & lombard, we must write a magic
+	 *    value 'Lars' at address 4 and a pointer to a
+	 *    memory location containing the PC to resume from
+	 *    at address 0.
+	 *  - On Core99, we must store the wakeup vector at
+	 *    address 0x80 and eventually it's parameters
+	 *    at address 0x84. I've have some trouble with those
+	 *    parameters however and I no longer use them.
+	 */
+	lis	r5,grackle_wake_up@ha
+	addi	r5,r5,grackle_wake_up@l
+	tophys(r5,r5)
+	stw	r5,SL_PC(r1)
+	lis	r4,KERNELBASE@h
+	tophys(r5,r1)
+	addi	r5,r5,SL_PC
+	lis	r6,MAGIC@ha
+	addi	r6,r6,MAGIC@l
+	stw	r5,0(r4)
+	stw	r6,4(r4)
+	/* Setup stuffs at 0x80-0x84 for Core99 */
+	lis	r3,core99_wake_up@ha
+	addi	r3,r3,core99_wake_up@l
+	tophys(r3,r3)
+	stw	r3,0x80(r4)
+	stw	r5,0x84(r4)
+	/* Store a pointer to our backup storage into
+	 * a kernel global
+	 */
+	lis r3,sleep_storage@ha
+	addi r3,r3,sleep_storage@l
+	stw r5,0(r3)
+	sync
+ * Flush the L1 data cache by reading the first 128kB of RAM
+ * and then flushing the same area with the dcbf instruction.
+ * The L2 cache has already been disabled.
+ */
+	li	r4,0x1000	/* 128kB / 32B */
+	mtctr	r4
+	lis	r4,KERNELBASE@h
+	lwz	r0,0(r4)
+	addi	r4,r4,0x0020	/* Go to start of next cache line */
+	bdnz	1b
+	sync
+	li	r4,0x1000	/* 128kB / 32B */
+	mtctr	r4
+	lis	r4,KERNELBASE@h
+	dcbf	r0,r4
+	addi	r4,r4,0x0020	/* Go to start of next cache line */
+	bdnz	1b
+	sync
+ * Set the HID0 and MSR for sleep.
+ */
+	mfspr	r2,HID0
+	rlwinm	r2,r2,0,10,7	/* clear doze, nap */
+	oris	r2,r2,HID0_SLEEP@h
+	sync
+	mtspr	HID0,r2
+	sync
+/* This loop puts us back to sleep in case we have a spurrious
+ * wakeup so that the host bridge properly stays asleep. The
+ * CPU will be turned off, either after a known time (about 1
+ * second) on wallstreet & lombard, or as soon as the CPU enters
+ * SLEEP mode on core99
+ */
+	mfmsr	r2
+	oris	r2,r2,MSR_POW@h
+1:	sync
+	mtmsr	r2
+	isync
+	b	1b
+ * Here is the resume code.
+ */
+ * Core99 machines resume here
+ * r4 has the physical address of SL_PC(sp) (unused)
+ */
+	/* Make sure HID0 no longer contains any sleep bit */
+	mfspr	r3,HID0
+	rlwinm	r3,r3,0,11,7		/* clear SLEEP, NAP, DOZE bits */
+	mtspr	HID0,r3
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Won't that cause problems on CPU that doesn't support it ? */
+	lis	r3, 0
+	mtspr	SPRN_MMCR0, r3
+	/* sanitize MSR */
+	mfmsr	r3
+	ori	r3,r3,MSR_EE|MSR_IP
+	xori	r3,r3,MSR_EE|MSR_IP
+	sync
+	isync
+	mtmsr	r3
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Recover sleep storage */
+	lis	r3,sleep_storage@ha
+	addi	r3,r3,sleep_storage@l
+	tophys(r3,r3)
+	lwz	r1,0(r3)
+	/* Pass thru to older resume code ... */
+ * Here is the resume code for older machines.
+ * r1 has the physical address of SL_PC(sp).
+ */
+	/* Enable and then Flash inval the instruction & data cache */
+	mfspr	r3,HID0
+	sync
+	isync
+	mtspr	HID0,r3
+	xori	r3,r3, HID0_ICFI|HID0_DCI
+	mtspr	HID0,r3
+	sync
+	/* Restore the kernel's segment registers before
+	 * we do any r1 memory access as we are not sure they
+	 * are in a sane state above the first 256Mb region
+	 */
+	li	r0,16		/* load up segment register values */
+	mtctr	r0		/* for context 0 */
+	lis	r3,0x2000	/* Ku = 1, VSID = 0 */
+	li	r4,0
+3:	mtsrin	r3,r4
+	addi	r3,r3,0x111	/* increment VSID */
+	addis	r4,r4,0x1000	/* address of next segment */
+	bdnz	3b
+	/* Restore the remaining bits of the HID0 register. */
+	subi	r1,r1,SL_PC
+	lwz	r3,SL_HID0(r1)
+	sync
+	isync
+	mtspr	HID0,r3
+	sync
+	isync
+	/* Restore 7400/7410/7450 specific registers */
+	mfspr	r3,PVR
+	srwi	r3,r3,16
+	cmpli	cr0,r3,0x8000	/* 7450 */
+	cmpli	cr1,r3,0x000c	/* 7400 */
+	cmpli	cr2,r3,0x800c	/* 7410 */
+	cmpli	cr3,r3,0x8001	/* 7455 */
+	cmpli	cr4,r3,0x7000	/* 750FX */
+	cror	4*cr1+eq,4*cr1+eq,4*cr2+eq
+	cror	4*cr0+eq,4*cr0+eq,4*cr3+eq
+	cror	4*cr0+eq,4*cr0+eq,4*cr1+eq
+	bne	1f
+	lwz	r4,SL_MSSCR0(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	SPRN_MSSCR0,r4
+	sync
+	isync
+	lwz	r4,SL_MSSSR0(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	SPRN_MSSSR0,r4
+	sync
+	isync
+	bne	cr2,1f
+	li	r4,0
+	mtspr	SPRN_L2CR2,r4
+	/* Restore 7450/7455 specific registers */
+	beq	cr1,1f
+	lwz	r4,SL_HID1(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	HID1,r4
+	isync
+	sync
+	lwz	r4,SPRN_ICTRL(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	SPRN_ICTRL,r4
+	isync
+	sync
+	lwz	r4,SPRN_LDSTCR(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	SPRN_LDSTCR,r4
+	isync
+	sync
+	lwz	r4,SL_LDSTDB(r1)
+	sync
+	mtspr	SPRN_LDSTDB,r4
+	isync
+	sync
+	/* Restore 750FX specific registers */
+	bne	cr4,1f
+		/* Read PLL config & switch to PLL 0 */
+	lwz	r4,SL_HID1(r1)
+	rlwinm  r5,r4,0,16,14
+	mtspr	SPRN_HID1,r5
+		/* Wait for PLL to stabilize */
+	mftbl	r5
+2:	mftbl	r6
+	sub	r6,r6,r5
+	cmpli	cr0,r6,10000
+	ble	2b
+		/* Setup final PLL */
+	mtspr	SPRN_HID1,r4
+	/* Restore the BATs, and SDR1.  Then we can turn on the MMU. */
+	lwz	r4,SL_SDR1(r1)
+	mtsdr1	r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_SPRG0(r1)
+	mtsprg	0,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_SPRG0+4(r1)
+	mtsprg	1,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_SPRG0+8(r1)
+	mtsprg	2,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_SPRG0+12(r1)
+	mtsprg	3,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT0(r1)
+	mtdbatu	0,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT0+4(r1)
+	mtdbatl	0,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT1(r1)
+	mtdbatu	1,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT1+4(r1)
+	mtdbatl	1,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT2(r1)
+	mtdbatu	2,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT2+4(r1)
+	mtdbatl	2,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT3(r1)
+	mtdbatu	3,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_DBAT3+4(r1)
+	mtdbatl	3,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT0(r1)
+	mtibatu	0,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT0+4(r1)
+	mtibatl	0,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT1(r1)
+	mtibatu	1,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT1+4(r1)
+	mtibatl	1,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT2(r1)
+	mtibatu	2,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT2+4(r1)
+	mtibatl	2,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT3(r1)
+	mtibatu	3,r4
+	lwz	r4,SL_IBAT3+4(r1)
+	mtibatl	3,r4
+	/* Flush all TLBs */
+	lis	r4,0x1000
+1:	addic.	r4,r4,-0x1000
+	tlbie	r4
+	blt	1b
+	sync
+	/* restore the MSR and turn on the MMU */
+	lwz	r3,SL_MSR(r1)
+	bl	turn_on_mmu	
+	/* get back the stack pointer */
+	tovirt(r1,r1)
+	/* Restore TB */
+	li	r3,0
+	mttbl	r3
+	lwz	r3,SL_TB(r1)
+	lwz	r4,SL_TB+4(r1)
+	mttbu	r3
+	mttbl	r4
+	/* Restore the callee-saved registers and return */
+	lwz	r0,SL_CR(r1)
+	mtcr	r0
+	lwz	r2,SL_R2(r1)
+	lmw	r12,SL_R12(r1)
+	addi	r1,r1,SL_SIZE
+	lwz	r0,4(r1)
+	mtlr	r0
+	blr
+	mflr	r4
+	tovirt(r4,r4)
+	mtsrr0	r4
+	mtsrr1	r3
+	sync
+	isync
+	rfi
+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_PMAC_PBOOK) */
+	.data
+	.globl sleep_storage
+	.long 0

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: