patch-2.2.18 linux/drivers/acorn/block/fd1772dma.S

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diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude v2.2.17/drivers/acorn/block/fd1772dma.S linux/drivers/acorn/block/fd1772dma.S
@@ -4,45 +4,45 @@
-  .global _fdc1772_dataaddr
+  .global fdc1772_dataaddr
 @ Number of bytes left to DMA
-  .global _fdc1772_bytestogo
+  .global fdc1772_bytestogo
   .word 0
 @ Place to put/get data from in DMA
-  .global _fdc1772_dataaddr
+  .global fdc1772_dataaddr
   .word 0
-  .global _fdc1772_fdc_int_done
+  .global fdc1772_fdc_int_done
   .word 0
-  .global _fdc1772_comendstatus
+  .global fdc1772_comendstatus
   .word 0
 @ We hang this off DMA channel 1
-    .global _fdc1772_comendhandler
+    .global fdc1772_comendhandler
   mov      r8,#IOC_BASE
   ldrb     r9,[r8,#0x34]    @ IOC FIQ status
   tst      r9,#2
   subeqs   pc,r14,#4        @ should I leave a space here
   orr      r9,r8,#0x10000   @ FDC base
-  adr      r8,_fdc1772_fdc_int_done
+  adr      r8,fdc1772_fdc_int_done
   ldrb     r10,[r9,#0]  @ FDC status
   mov      r9,#1        @ Got a FIQ flag
   stmia    r8,{r9,r10}
   subs     pc,r14,#4
-    .global _fdc1772_dma_read
+    .global fdc1772_dma_read
   mov      r8,#IOC_BASE
   ldrb     r9,[r8,#0x34]    @ IOC FIQ status
   tst      r9,#1
-  beq      _fdc1772_dma_read_notours
+  beq      fdc1772_dma_read_notours
   orr      r8,r8,#0x10000   @ FDC base
   ldrb     r10,[r8,#0xc]   @ Read from FDC data reg (also clears interrupt)
   ldmia    r11,{r8,r9}
@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@
   strplb   r10,[r9],#1     @ Store the data and increment the pointer
   stmplia  r11,{r8,r9}     @ Update count/pointers
   @ Handle any other interrupts if there are any
   @ Cant branch because this code has been copied down to the FIQ vector
   ldr pc,[pc,#-4]
-  .word _fdc1772_comendhandler
-  .global _fdc1772_dma_read_end
+  .word fdc1772_comendhandler
+  .global fdc1772_dma_read_end
-    .global _fdc1772_dma_write
+    .global fdc1772_dma_write
   mov      r8,#IOC_BASE
   ldrb     r9,[r8,#0x34]    @ IOC FIQ status
   tst      r9,#1
-  beq      _fdc1772_dma_write_notours
+  beq      fdc1772_dma_write_notours
   orr      r8,r8,#0x10000   @ FDC base
   ldmia    r11,{r9,r10}
   subs     r9,r9,#1        @ One less byte to go
@@ -72,23 +72,23 @@
   strplb   r12,[r8,#0xc]   @ write it to FDC data reg
   stmplia  r11,{r9,r10}    @ Update count and pointer - should clear interrupt
   @ Handle any other interrupts
   @ Cant branch because this code has been copied down to the FIQ vector
   ldr pc,[pc,#-4]
-  .word _fdc1772_comendhandler
+  .word fdc1772_comendhandler
-  .global _fdc1772_dma_write_end
+  .global fdc1772_dma_write_end
 @ Setup the FIQ R11 to point to the data and store the count, address
 @ for this dma
 @ R0=count
 @ R1=address
-  .global _fdc1772_setupdma
+  .global fdc1772_setupdma
 	@ The big job is flipping in and out of FIQ mode
-	adr	r2,_fdc1772_fiqdata	@ This is what we really came here for
+	adr	r2,fdc1772_fiqdata	@ This is what we really came here for
   stmia  r2,{r0,r1}
 	mov	r3, pc
 	teqp	pc,#0x0c000001	@ Disable FIQs, IRQs and switch to FIQ mode

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: