CURRENT_MEETING_REPORT_ Reported by Deirdre Kostick/Bellcore Minutes of the SNA NAU Services MIB Working Group (SNANAU) The SNANAU Working Group met to review the proposed MIB objects for APPC (posted to the list 23 March 1994) and to discuss implementation experience for the SNANAU MIB Internet-Draft ``Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA NAUs'' (draft-ietf-snanau-snamib-03.txt). APPC Overview Mike Allen presented an overview of APPC and the APPC MIB proposal. The APPC MIB overview charts that Mike presented at the meeting are available via anonymous FTP from as /pub/standards/aiw/snasnmp/ (PostScript). Please note that these charts are the ones presented at the meeting. They do not reflect the changes that were proposed during the meeting. APPC MIB Proposal Review Recommendations summary: o Change the Remote LU (RLU) Table to be indexed by a Node Admin Index and a RLU index only. The current INDEX clause in the proposed appcInRluAdminTable is: INDEX { snaNodeAdminIndex, snaLuAdminLuIndex, appcInRluParLuIndex } The LU 6.2 architecture describes remote LU definitions per local LU; however, current implementations consolidate remote LU definitions for all LUs on a node. The suggested changes reflect current implementations. o Separate RLU objects into Administrative and Operational tables following the SNA NAU MIB design. o Change the APPC Mode Table to be indexed by a Node Admin Index and a mode index only. The current INDEX clause in the proposed appcInMdTable is: INDEX { snaNodeAdminIndex, snaLuAdminLuIndex, appcInMdRluIndex, appcInMdModeIndex } The suggested changes would reflect current implementations in which modes are defined on a node basis. o Separate mode objects into Admin and Oper tables; the current proposal contains a mix. o The MIB should support creation/deletion of modes via SNMP. A set of default values for a ``template'' mode is needed to support this capability. Suggested alternatives for templates are: - Add an object indicate mode template - Specify a naming convention using the mode name object - Specify an indexing convention The mailing list will be polled to get feedback on the preferred alternative. o Change the Local TP Table to be indexed by a Node Admin Index and a TP index. The current INDEX clause in the proposed table is: INDEX { appcInLtpLuIndex, appcInLtpTpIndex } o The MIB should support TP definition via SNMP. This change requires development of a TP state model and use of AdminStatus and RowStatus objects. o Add objects reflecting how a TP starts and TP max queue depth. Investigate the need for current TP incoming attach queue depths. Add a TPname textual convention. o Add objects for XID management. o Follow-up questions for the mailing list: - Are the recommended indexing changes to the RLU, APPC Mode, and Local TP tables consistent with current implementations? The mailing list and other implementors will be polled for feedback. Mike Allen will discuss with the LU6.2 architects. - Should the MIB contain an object that allows the agent to turn off/on collection of counters. (The set of counters is to be determined.) - Should APPN-specific objects be included in the MIB? Examples in the current proposal include: appcInfoRscv and appcInMdSessEndTpName. The rationale for supporting inclusion is that only cases proposed are those for which APPN adds minimal information to that required for T2.1 LEN. Doing this (and explicitly providing a simple N/A value for LEN nodes) will simplify implementation on APPN nodes. SNA NAU MIB Implementation Experience o The working group recommended changing the indexing for the snaLuSessionTable in the SNA NAU MIB Internet-Draft (draft-ietf-snanau-snamib-03.txt). The proposed change is to index the table by node, LU, RLU, and session. The link id which is currently one of the table indices should become an accessible object in the table. There was consensus at the meeting that the remote LU index is needed for efficient access to rows about APPC sessions, and we did not want the APPC session table to be indexed differently from the NAU MIB session table. The remote LU index will be defined as an object in the row of the NAU MIB session table. For dependent LU sessions, it will have a value of zero. A MIB fragment with the proposed changes will be posted shortly. o The definitions of the snaNodeLinkAdminSpecific and snaNodeLinkOperSpecific objects should be revised to point to the first accessible objects in the appropriate tables of the SDLC MIB. The suggested revisions will be posted to the list for feedback and review. If there is general consensus, a revised SNA NAU MIB Internet-Draft will posted. Next Steps APPC MIB 14 April 94 Revised definitions (Mode, RLU, Local TP, and Conversation Tables) sent to Mike Allen 21 April 94 Revised draft posted to list 28 April 94 APPC MIB Internet-Draft posted SNA NAU MIB 8 April 94 Post suggested changes to list to get feedback/review 27 April 94 Pending feedback, post revised Internet-Draft Next Meeting o A conference call may be scheduled to continue the MIB review. Results of the call will be posted to the mailing list. o The SNA NAU MIB Working Group may hold an interim meeting to coincide with the AIW 27 June 94 meeting to continue the MIB review. Attendees Michael Allen Tony Bogovic Jeff Case David Chen Frank Ciotti Wayne Clark Duane Harkness Paul Kingsley Deirdre Kostick William Kwan Kevin Loo Shannon Nix Michael Otto Andrew Pearson David Perkins Randy Presuhn Daniel Richard Marshall T. Rose Blair Sanders Barbara Sterling David Walters Bert Wijnen Stan Wong