User Services Working Group o Work on USV-Web - Progress since last meeting in Toronto - Planned improvements - Additional suggestions...? o Brief status on InterNIC Briefcase (a.k.a. Starter Kit) - Hardcopy available here guidelines: "enroll" in Briefcase Service enrollment procedures: send in simple form - Electronic version of guidelines and procedures: send mail to in body of message type: send/faq/briefcase o Brief status on NIC Locator (a.k.a. NIC Profiles) - 69 profiles in Database - gopher: select D & D Services/Database Services - Web: gopher:// ======== USV-Web Page o Progress since last meeting in Toronto - Homepage -- menus instead of long text - Links to IETF pages for each WG (IETF Web server completed immediately before Toronto) - Link to "About the IETF USV" document - Improved look and feel -- similar to InfoGuide Homepage with colored markers and return arrows o Planned improvements - Links from IETF pages back to USV-Web - Web "forms" for joining and leaving all USV mailing lists ======== Additional suggestions...? o "Welcome message" - Tell folks how the work of the IETF USV affects them - Offer suggestions on why and how they might participate o Homepage graphics o Photos o Audio welcome