Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 18:46:17 -1000 From: (Glendon MacBurnie) Message-Id: <420qfk$> Organization: Atlantic Connect Subject: KITES BUILT IN NOVA SCOTIA If you are looking for a sports kite, a single line kite, or windsocks check out these guys !!!! KISS THE SKY KITES " Makers of Fine Kites " They are located in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Canada 902-254-3691 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 05:44:46 -1000 From: (Kai Griebenow) Message-Id: <42211e$foi@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Subject: Re: KITES BUILT IN NOVA SCOTIA In article <420qfk$>, gmacburn@MAIL.ATCON.COM (Glendon MacBurnie) writes: |> If you are looking for a sports kite, a single line kite, or windsocks |> check out these guys !!!! |> |> KISS THE SKY KITES |> " Makers of Fine Kites " |> |> |> |> They are located in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, Canada |> |> 902-254-3691 |> |> |> |> Hi, too late. Just came back 2 weeks ago from there :-(. Next time I will stop by. I hope to be back in Novo Scotia some times, because it is really nice there. Happy Flying Kai = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =