S U N D A Y S N I P P E T S (tm) # 1 1 8 1 Feb '98 Why Believers Believe --------------------- Our Christian experience must agree with the Bible. We will be taught by the Bible and fed by the Bible. But we do not believe in Christ because He is in the Bible: we believe in the Bible because Christ is in us. - Claxton Monro Then He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures. (Luke 24:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sunday Snippets" is the trademark of G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed - forward to a friend or two. The Sunday Snippets archive is at homepage: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ab531/Profile.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember to nourish your soul: Read a portion of the Bible every day, and seek the company of fellow believers to build each other up in the faith. --------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip98-118.txt .