S U N D A Y S N I P P E T S (tm) # 1 1 1 19 Oct '97 A Short Psalm of Trust ---------------------- In which the psalmist declares his dependence upon God; acknowledging the superiority of the Creator's wisdom over that of the created. The psalmist encourages others to do the same. LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty; Neither do I deal in great matters, Nor in things to high for me. Surely I have humbled and quieted myself, As a child that is weaned of its mother; My soul is even as a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever. Psalm 131 (Lamsa'a Translation) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sunday Snippets" is the trademark of G. MacKenzie Strickland. May be freely redistributed - forward to a friend or two. The Sunday Snippets archive is at homepage: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ab531/Profile.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember to nourish your soul: Read a portion of the Bible every day, and seek the company of fellow believers to build each other up in the faith. --------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/sunday.snippets: snip97-111.txt .