Fellow Electronic Calvinists: I received an E-Mail note today from Rev. David Green, pastor of a Conservative Congregational Christian Conference church in Beverly, Massachussetts. Rev. Green chairs the Congregational Studies Conference of our denomination and also heads up the New England Reformed Fellowship. Rev. Green informs me that Dr. David Wells, author of "No Place for Truth: Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology" is in serious health trouble. Dr. Wells has standing as an ordained minister in our denomination and teaches at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. The attached E-Mail message gives more information. Please remember Dr. Wells in your prayers. Rev. Green (Dovedge@aol.com) should be your first contact for further information on Dr. Wells' condition since he, unlike me, is in the local area. Peace in Christ, Darrell Todd Maurina --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: David Wells Date: 95-03-05 21:59:37 EST From: Dovedge To: Darrell128 Darrell: We learned in church today from Dr. Scott Hafemann of the Gordon-Conwell faculty that Dr. Wells is back in the hospital and in serious condition. He had a second serious intestinal operation in the past 6-8 months about 7 weeks ago and has been on fluids since and developed two infections: one in his stitches and the other internally. He had been at home but was being cared for in part at least by nurses who were coming in. Scott said today that David is very weak and there may be concern for his life. I would appreciate your putting this out on a network of believers asking for earnest prayer that the Lord would grant David and the church mercy for the recovery of this dear saint and servant of the Lord, and sustain his wife and family as they watch and labor to handle the multitude of enquiries and well wishers. Thanks. David Green ---------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: prayer-wells.txt