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Date:         Tue, 4 Jun 1996 15:01:13 +-200
Reply-To: Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel
Sender: Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel
From: Teus Benschop 
Subject:      ChrExp, The Scriptures opened, 86
To: Multiple recipients of list CHR-EXP 

1. John 12:24       - Dying bringing forth fruit
2. Luke 9:23        - Deny self, take up the cross, follow Christ
3. Proverbs 3:11,12 - The son chastised

1.  John 12:24 - Dying bringing forth fruit

Verily, verily, I say unto you,
    Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die,
    it abideth alone:
    but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.

John 12:24

When  you  try to keep your wheat, it will abide alone. You have  some
wheat,  and  you keep it. It abides alone; that means,  you  keep  the
amount of wheat you had before. But if you throw the wheat away,  that
is,  in the ground, it will bring forth fruit. Except a corn of  wheat
fall  into  the  ground and die, it abides alone; but if  it  die,  it
brings forth much fruit. When you are too cautious, and dare not throw
away  your wheat, it will not increase nor will it bring forth  fruit.
But if you throw it in the ground, and let it rot there, it will bring
forth much fruit. Let the wheat rot in the wet and warm ground, and it
will  increase  greatly.  "He that goeth forth  and  weepeth,  bearing
precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his
sheaves  [with him]." Ps 126:6. Throw the precious seed in the ground,
and  let  it die there. Death goes before life. Let the wheat die  and
become  mouldy, and it shall bring forth sheaves full  of  new  wheat.
When you bury your seed in the ground, it will putrefy there. But  you
will return with rejoicing, bearing your sheaves.

Like  it  is with the corn, so is it with our bodies. When we die,  at
the  end  of our life on earth, we bury the body in the ground.  After
some  time it will be in a state of decomposition. But, like the corn,
in  the  day of resurrection, it will arise anew. Some will  arise  to
eternal damnation, but God's children will arise to eternal glory. The
example  of  this we have before our eyes yearly, when  we  throw  the
wheat  in  the ground that it may arise again in a renewed and  better
form. Dying it will bring forth much fruit.

Jesus  said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn  of  wheat
fall  into  the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if  it  die,  it
bringeth  forth much fruit." When the body of Jesus died, he bore  the
wrath  of  God,  that He might bring forth much born  again  children.
Jesus died, and was laid in the grave, that He might bring forth  much
fruit.  Of  Jesus Christ is written: "Behold I and the children  which
God  hath given me." Heb 2:13. He brought forth much fruit. "Forasmuch
then  as  the  children are partakers of flesh and blood, he  (Christ)
also  himself  likewise took part of the same; that through  death  he
might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And
deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject
to bondage." Heb 2:14,15

Jesus said that, if the corn of wheat fall into the ground, and if  it
die,  it  will bring forth much fruit. Why did He say this?  It  is  a
parable.  What is the meaning of this? We know that the seed  rots  in
the  ground,  and  brings forth new sheaves. We also know  that  Jesus
died,  and through death delivered those that were given Him. We  also
know that the bodies, after having been buried, will arise again.  But
why  did  Jesus  tell  this  short parable?  The  reason  of  that  He
immediately says. "He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he  that
hateth  his  life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."  Joh
12:25.  When one loves to see his wheat and does not throw it  in  the
ground  that is may rot there, he will never have fruit. So, when  one
loves  his own life, and does not spend it in the service of the Lord,
even unto death, he will never see his fruit. "He that loveth his life
shall  lose  it". But he that throws the wheat in the  ground  to  rot
there,  will see much fruit. He will return carrying his sheaves.  "He
that  hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life  eternal".
When  one spends himself in God's service, even unto death, and  hates
his own life in this world, and sows it in the ground, he will keep it
unto  life  eternal.  Let  we learn then to give  all  what  we  have,
including ourselves, without holding back, to the service of God.  Let
us  learn to hate our lives in this world, that we may keep it to life
eternal.  He  that tries to keep his life, will lose it. But  he  that
hates his life in this world, shall keep it unto eternal life. This is
the lesson. But how difficult is it to bring it into practice. Who  is
there  that hates his own life? Everybody indulges his own  body,  and
none  is there that keeps under his body, like Paul. He said,  "But  I
keep  under my body, and bring [it] into subjection: lest that by  any
means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."
1 Cor 9:27. He that loves his life in this world shall lose it. But he
that hates his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal.

2.  Luke 9:23 - Deny self, take up the cross, follow Christ

And he said to [them] all,
    If any [man] will come after me,
    let him deny himself,
    and take up his cross daily,
    and follow me.

Luke 9:23

Let  no  Christian expect ease and a good life here. For, if  any  man
will come after Me, said Christ, let him deny himself. Let him take up
his  cross daily, and let him follow after Me. One that lives  a  good
life,  has  comforts and all what he wishes, cannot be a  follower  of
Christ no matter what he says with his mouth. For, if he were Christ's
follower, then he would have afflictions and a cross to take up daily.
Let  a  Christian  not  indulge the flesh, but instead  of  that  deny
himself.  Does  the flesh wish to have much sleep? Let  the  flesh  be
denied. Does the flesh like to eat much and drink more then necessary?
Let  the  desires be denied, lest we become drowsy and unable for  the
Christian combat.

Many  will come after Jesus, for, then they think to have heaven.  But
who  is  there that really comes after Him? Who is there  that  really
denies  himself? Who is there that willingly takes up his daily cross?
Who  is there that not thinks out his own ways, but follows Christ  on
the  narrow  path  to  heaven? Many say and think they  have  accepted
Christ,  but  seldom you find one that willingly takes up  the  cross.
Many think that being believer is gain, but only a few understand that
one should loose his own life in order to keep it to live eternal.

One  day  follows after another. When we take up the cross daily,  one
day after another, then also one cross follows after another. Daily to
take  up  the  cross is not easy. No sooner has one day ended,  or  it
becomes night, and after that the next day. The cross also is a  daily
misery.  No  sooner  has one misery ended, or the night  follows,  and
after  that  the  next misery. Let we take up the  cross  daily,  deny
ourselves and follow Jesus Christ. Our Saviour ended His life  on  the
cross. Let we willingly follow Him, and die with Him. If you will come
after  Him,  then deny yourself, and follow Him even unto  the  cross.
"Then  said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples,
Let  us also go, that we may die with him." John 11:16. Let us go with
Christ  unto Jerusalem that is on the earth, that we may die with  Him
there. But after we have died in the earthly Jerusalem, we will go  to
our  Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who is in the heavenly Jerusalem.
The  Jerusalem  that is on earth slays the prophets and apostles  that
are sent to it. Let us take up the cross, follow after Christ, and die
with Him.

Let every true believer prepare himself for much suffering. Before one
enters into the covenant with God, let him consider the costs: denying
yourself;  daily  taking up your cross; die with  Christ.  Before  you
enter  the  covenant,  consider these  things.  Let  not  the  reality
afterwards  surprise you, so that you fall away. Before you  begin  to
follow  Christ,  prepare  yourself for much  sufferings  and  a  daily
renewed  cross;  day after day. We should become accustomed  to  self-
denial  and submission. This is the best preparation for the martyrdom
that is connected with following Christ. We should live a life of self-
denial, killing of the flesh, and contempt of the world. We should not
yield  to  lusts and ease. For in the case we yield to the  lusts,  it
will be hard and difficult to do difficult works for Christ's sake, to
bear  tiredness  and  want.  We are daily subject  to  affliction  and
suffering. We should reconcile ourselves to the will of God. We should
acquiesce  in the will of Christ. We should learn to bear  oppression.
On the ways of duty we often find a cross. Though we should not put  a
cross  on our own shoulders, yet we should bear it after Christ,  when
the  cross is put on us by another. And let us then learn to  bear  it
willingly,  and complain not. Also, the cross has much spiritual  food
in itself, as is written: "We glory in tribulations also: knowing that
tribulation   worketh   patience;  and   patience,   experience;   and
experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God
is  shed  abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is  given  unto
us."  Romans 5:3-5. So the cross works patience, experience and  hope.
And  the  hope  makes not ashamed. Let we then take advantage  of  the
cross, and become experienced in patience, practice and hope.

If  any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up  his
cross daily, and follow Me.

3.  Proverbs 3:11,12 - The son chastised

My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD;
neither be weary of his correction:
For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth;
even as a father the son [in whom] he delighteth.

The  righteous  often  ask: "Why am I so heavily  chastised,  and  the
wicked go on and rejoice?" Every day my chastisement is renewed. Every
day I take up the cross, and follow after Christ. But the wicked, they
go  on  in  their own course. They have no afflictions. They  have  no
cross,  neither  deny  self. They have joy every day.  Their  business
flourishes.  Their children grow up and are healthy.  But  why  is  my
chastisement every day present? Why must I endure much sufferings? Why
have I trouble after trouble? The reason why the godly suffer much and
the  wicked suffer not, is this: God chastises His children. "My son",
says Solomon, "despise not the chastening of the LORD". Sometimes  you
may  be  weary  of  God's chastisement. But to this the  same  Solomon
answers:  "My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither  be
weary  of  His  correction". Why should I not despise  this?  And  why
should  I  not  be weary of God's correction? Because "whom  the  LORD
loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth."
Why  have  you  your  daily cross? Because the Father  in  heaven  has
accepted  you  as His son. He corrects the son, and uses chastisements
for  that. You have still much sin in you. The correction of the  LORD
is necessary, to kill that sin.

God   chastises   His  children.  Therefore,  if   you   are   without
chastisement, you are no child, but a bastard. "Whom the  Lord  loveth
he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure
chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom
the  father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof
all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons." Heb 12:6-8.

If  God chastises you, He has His wise reason for it. If there were no
reason  for chastisement, He would not do it. But now, since you  have
your  daily  portion, there is something in you to correct.  There  is
some  sin  in you; some error that must be rooted out. You  have  some
idol  set  up in your heart. By God's correction, He tries  to  remove
that  error.  Therefore, if you are partaker of  chastisement,  search
yourself  closely. What is the reason of the troubles you endure?  Why
is  God correcting you? Say with David: "Search me, O God, and know my
heart:  try  me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any  wicked
way  in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Ps 139:23. Search me,
O  God,  if there be some reason for my chastisement, and show it  me,
that I may repent through Thine grace.

If the LORD loves you, He will chastise you. "For whom the LORD loveth
He  correcteth". Like a father corrects the errors of his son, so will
the LORD correct your sins.

"A Christian explanation of the Scriptures to Israel"
Institute Practical Bible-education
Written by Teus Benschop  --  t.benschop@pobox.ruu.nl

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