Lutheran Historical Conference Essays Published The Lutheran Historical Conference (LHC) has issued volume 15 of its series of Essays and Reports. Titled ``Missionary to America: The History of Lutheran Outreach to Americans,'' the volume contains the papers presented at the organization's 16th biennial meeting in Chicago, Ill., 12~14 November 1992. It continues a series of publications begun in 1964. The Rev. Marvin A. Huggins, our assistant director for archives and library, edited the volume. The papers in the volume focus extensively on ``home missions'' throughout the history of American Lutheranism, covering a wide variety of efforts by America's Lutherans to bring the Gospel to their neighbors, often their fellow immigrants from various European countries of origin. The collection touches on many aspects of the Lutheran story from the colonial period to the twentieth century. Special attention is directed at Henry Melchior Muhlenberg and F. C. D. Wyneken. The LHC thus observed the 250th anniversary of Muhlenberg's arrival in the New World in 1742 and the 150th anniversary of Wyneken's famous ``Appeal'' to German Lutherans for help in serving the vast hoards of German immigrants with word and sacrament. Other aspects of home missions include the spirituality of Lutheran women's missionary societies, 1880-1930, and urban missionary work in the ``New South,'' 1900-1920. The ethnic slant on Lutheran work in America includes efforts to evangelize Black people within the Lutheran Church and missions to Polish immigrants. Other studies cover the mission activities of Swedish-American Lutherans and the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The LHC was founded in 1962 as a forum for Lutheran archivists, historians and librarians dealing with the history of Lutheranism in America. It is dedicated to the principle that these three disciplines must work closely together to provide for serious understanding of Lutheranism through historical research. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in Lutheran history in America and supports the purposes of the LHC. Copies of Vol. 15 of the Essays and Reports may be ordered from Concordia Historical Institute, 801 De Mun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105. The cost is $10.00, plus $2.00 for postage and handling. For more information about LHC membership or to receive a membership brochure, contact me via E-Mail. Marvin =================================================== Marvin A. Huggins, CA Assistant Director for Archives and Library Concordia Historical Institute 801 De Mun Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 721-5934, Ext. 320 Personal E-Mail: CALC-MAH@GENIE.GEIS.COM =================================================== ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/announce: lutheran.essays.txt .