Elmer Documentation =================== The Elmer documentation is constantly under development. The create date of the manuals is printed in the cover of the manuals. The manuals are not always quite up to date. Particularly the SolverManual is still not ready. The current set of Elmer manuals is as follows ElmerguiManual.pdf Manual of the Graphical user interface of Elmer. ElmerOverview.pdf Overview over the different Elmer software with a view on the different executables, modules, manuals and strategies. ElmerSolverManual.pdf Manual gives an overview of the capabilities of the solver with an emphasis on generic services provided by the solver. ElmerModelsManual.pdf This manual describes the different physical models that are defined in independent subroutines. ElmerTutorials.pdf The tutorials of the Elmer software are basically just example files with documentation. ElmerGridManual.pdf The Manual of ElmerGrid utility. ElmerParamManual.pdf Tutorial of the parametrized interface of ASCII based I/O. MATCManual.pdf Manual over the matc language that is used in several Elmer modules. There are also some files related to the above documentation. Unfortunately these may reflect older versions of the documentation. ElmerTutorialFiles.tar.gz The Files related to the tutorials in a directory tree. ElmerGridFiles.pdf Examples related to the ElmerGrid documentation. In addition to these manuals there are separate documentation for some input interfaces (GiD) and for visualization tasks (making animations). Look at the www-pages for more information on these topics. The following documentation is no longer actively developed. However, some information may still be best presented in them. ElmerFrontUserGuide.pdf Manual for the old graphical user interface of Elmer. ElmerFront is not actively developed and this might be the final documentation of the program. (updated 14.2.2002) OldElmerUserGuide.pdf (or ps.gz) The original user guide of Elmer software (1999). Particularly some appendices may still be useful. OldElmerTutorial.pdf (or ps.gz) A graphical user guide oriented tutorial of the Elmer software (2000). This was never really maintained. DSMCManual.pdf Manual on the Elmer interface of the DSMC package which was once loosely coupled with Elmer.