Artifact construction [880]
The domain of high level wizards, artifact construction concerns
the creation and manipulation of items which may focus and store
aura, contain spells, or have other magical properties.

The following skills may be studied directly once Artifact construction is

   num    skill                              time to learn
   ---    -----                              -------------
   881    Forge auraculum                    two weeks
   882    Reveal creator of artifact         two weeks
   883    Reveal where artifact was created  two weeks

Further skills may be found through research.

   884    Cloak creator of artifact          four weeks
   885    Cloak region of artifact creation  two weeks
   886    Curse noncreator loyalty           two weeks
   887    Forge magical weapon               three weeks
   888    Forge magical armor                three weeks
   889    Forge magical bow                  three weeks
   891    Dispel cloaking from artifact      three weeks
   892    Arcane symbols                     three weeks
   893    Destroy artifact                   three weeks
   894    Forge palantir                     three weeks