Weather magic [820]
Weather spells concern the summoning and control of storms.
Mild weather may have an effect on battle and ocean navigation.
Fierce storms are capable of great damage.

The following skills may be studied directly once Weather magic is known:

   num    skill                              time to learn
   ---    -----                              -------------
   821    Fierce wind                        three weeks
   822    Bind storm to ship                 three weeks
   823    Scribe weather symbols             three weeks
   824    Summon rain                        three weeks

Further skills may be found through research.

   825    Summon wind                        three weeks
   826    Summon fog                         three weeks
   827    Direct storm                       three weeks
   828    Dissipate storm                    three weeks
   829    Renew storm strength               three weeks
   831    Lightning bolt                     four weeks
   832    Seize control of storm             three weeks
   833    Fog of death                       three weeks