Find tradegood for sale [732]
Usage:  USE 732
Time:   21 days

Use of 732 searches for a seller of a new rare
tradegood in the city market.  At the completion of use,
a new tradegood will be created and offered for sale by
the city.

Up to two tradegoods may be sold by each market.
Use of 732 will fail if there are already two rare
tradegoods for sale in the city.

The tradegood will remain for sale in the city for
24-36 months following its addition to the trade list.
At the end of this period it will be removed and no
longer offered for sale (lowering the count of tradegoods
sold in the city by 1).

732 must be used in a city in part of the regular world
(not Hades, Faery, the Cloudlands, or Subworld.)

Markets for rare tradegoods created with 732 may be
found via the skill Find market for tradegood [733].