Bribe noble [671]
Usage:   BRIBE <target> <gold> [flag]
Time:    seven days

Offer a character gold in an attempt to win their service.  The
amount must be at least 250 gold, or the receiving noble will not
consider it a serious offer.

Nobles with oathbound loyalty ignore bribes.  They may accept the
gift, but they will not renounce loyalty to their lord.

Nobles with contract loyalty will consider the bribe if it meets
or exceeds their current loyalty rating.  For example, a noble of
loyalty contract-750 would ignore any bribe of less than 750 gold.

Nobles with fear loyalty, or nobles not sworn to any lord, will
seriously consider any bribe of at least 250 gold.

If the receiving noble considers the bribe, there is a 33% chance
they will renounce loyalty to their current lord, and swear fealty
to the bribing character.  There is also a chance that they will
report the bribe or pocket it for themselves.  In some cases they
may even renounce loyalty to their lord, but not swear fealty to
the briber, instead choosing to go off on their own.

Characters who are successfully bribed will have loyalty contract-250
to the bribing character.  If flag is 1, and the bribe attempt is
successful, the bribed character will stack with the briber.

Bribes will be refused by characters who have already switched
lords during the month because of bribery.  For example, suppose
Osswid successfully bribes Feasel, and Feasel swears loyalty to
Osswid.  Later that turn, if Procrustes attempts to bribe Feasel,
Feasel will refuse to accept the bribe.

The bribing character will lose the number of NPs which have
been invested in the bribed character if the bribe is successful.
The previous owner of a bribed noble will have the invested NPs


    bribe 5499 750	# Offer [5499] 750 gold to switch factions.
			# If successful, [5499] will not stack with the
			# briber.

    bribe 3409 300 1	# Offer [3409] 300 gold to switch factions.
			# If successful, [3409] will stack with the briber.