Breed beasts [654]
Usage:  BREED <item> <item>
Time:   varies

Attempt to breed two animals together to produce an offspring.
Not all animals produce successful offspring.  Occasionally,
cross-breeding different beasts will produce strange results.

For example:

	To breed two wild horses together:

		BREED 51 51

	To attempt a cross-breed of a horse and an ox:

		BREED 51 76

Because some animals are often unpredictable and violent, there
is a 20% chance that one of the breeding parents will be killed
in the attempt.

The time necessary for the BREED command to function is
dependent on the type of animal produced:
     beast                   days
     -----                   ----
     dragon [286]             45
     giant bird [281]         28
     giant spider [278]       21
     chimera [284]            21
     nazgul [55]              14
     lion [280]               14
     harpie [285]             14
     all other beasts          7

Wild horses [51], riding horses [52] and warmounts [53] may be used
interchangably with BREED.