
Relics are unique item artifacts which are introduced into the game via quests with monsters. All relics except the Throne return to the netherworld after use or some delay to be given out to a new adventurer via QUEST.


  1. The first character belonging to a new player is added to the first position in the safe haven location list where he joins.

  2. Flying over a distance 8 route takes 4 days, up from 3.

  3. Ships may only be built in cities.

  4. Up to 5 horses may be caught per month in plains.
    Chance per day to catch is 50%, up from 25%.
    Train wild horse to riding horse takes 3 days.
    Train wild horse to warmount takes 7 days.

  5. Stacks with large numbers of figures relative to the number of nobles travel slower. A movement penalty of:
    	    delay = number of figures / (number of nobles * 10)
    is imposed for stack movement. For example, a stack with one noble and 9 peasants will move in the rated time. A stack with 10 peasants and one noble will take an extra day to move. A stack with 40 peasants and 2 nobles will take two extra days, etc. A figure is either a man or something that fights, but does not include beasts without combat attack or defense values.

    The additional delay is capped at a maximum of twice the original route distance.

  6. Summoned entities, such as angry mobs, may not be given anything.

  7. There is a limit of 250 orders which may be queued for a unit. Additional orders will be dropped and will not appear in the unit's command queue.

  8. The TELL command is removed.

  9. No 25 gold is paid for PRESS or RUMOR submissions. However, all players receive 25 CLAIM gold per turn automatically.

  10. At the end of every turn, each animal in a player's inventory has a 1% chance of dying.

  11. The instant first tower bonus has been removed.

  12. New players are given the following CLAIM items:
            3,000 gold [1]
              100 stone [78]
               25 wood [77]

    In addition, a player's first noble starts with 200 gold and 25 peasants.

  13. Towers may be built in safe havens.

  14. CLAIM may not be used in the Cloudlands, Hades or Faery.

  15. Potions of Slavery have a 33% chance of killing the noble who drinks one. The creator of a potion must pay the necessary NPs to obtain the victim.

  16. A new ACCEPT order must be given in order to receive items from others, either via GIVE or Teleport Item:
    ACCEPT      from-who  item   [qty]              time: 0 days    priority: 0
    The ACCEPT order must be used in order to receive items from other
    players.  Gold is exempt from the ACCEPT check.  The effects of ACCEPT
    last until the end of the turn, then expire.
    If ACCEPT is issued by a character, it applies to items given to
    that character only.  If ACCEPT is issued by the player entity, it
    applies to every unit in the faction.
    If from-who is 0, the item will be accepted from anyone.
    Otherwise from-who should specify a character or a faction.
    If item is 0, any item will be accepted.
    If qty is zero or is not present, any quantity of the item
    will be accepted.
    If qty is specified, the given quantity must be less than or
    equal to the qty specified on the matching ACCEPT order.
    If the GIVE is successful, the given quantity will be deduced from
    the remaining qty value in the outstanding ACCEPT.
    A GIVE which could be passed by multiple overlapping ACCEPT orders
    will choose the first which matches, first for the character, then
    for the player entity.  If an ACCEPT order specifies an item quantity
    limit, the quantity must be greater than or equal to the amount
    specified in the GIVE order.  Multiple conflicting ACCEPT orders
    will not combined to satisfy a single GIVE.
    	ACCEPT 0 0		# accept anything from anyone
    	ACCEPT 10 0		# accept peasants from anyone
    	ACCEPT 0 2950		# accept anything from character 2950 
    	ACCEPT 10 2950		# accept peasants from character 2950
    	ACCEPT 10 2950 5	# accept up to 5 peasants from
    				# character 2950
    	ACCEPT 10 501		# accept peasants from any character
    				# in faction 501
    	ACCEPT 10 501 5		# accept up to 5 peasants from characters
    				# in faction 501

  17. The BUILD order now creates structures with entity codes based on the unformed list. An optional fourth parameter to BUILD allows one to choose an entity code from the existing unformed list, in the same way that the FORM order works.

  18. An attempt has been made to lessen the use of "license plate" ID codes, or to at least clean them up a bit where they remain.

  19. Weather may now be summoned in the Cloudlands.

Item combat values

                     name    swamp man-like    beast  fighter
                     ----    ----- --------    -----  -------
             peasant [10]     no       yes      no    (1,1,0)
              worker [11]     no       yes      no    (1,1,0)
             soldier [12]     no       yes      no    (5,5,0)
              archer [13]     no       yes      no    (5,5,50)
              knight [14]     no       yes      no    (45,45,0)
         elite guard [15]     no       yes      no    (90,90,0)
             pikeman [16]     no       yes      no    (5,30,0)
     blessed soldier [17]     no       yes      no    (5,5,0)
       ghost warrior [18]     no       yes      no    (0,0,0)
              sailor [19]     no       yes      no    (1,1,0)
           swordsman [20]     no       yes      no    (15,15,0)
         crossbowman [21]     no       yes      no    (1,1,25)
        elite archer [22]     no       yes      no    (10,10,75)
       angry peasant [23]     no       yes      no    (2,1,0)
              pirate [24]     no       yes      no    (5,5,0)
                 elf [25]     no       yes      no    (50,50,100)
              spirit [26]     no       yes      no    (50,50,0)
              undead [31]     no       yes      no    (10,10,0)
              savage [32]     no       yes      no    (1,1,0)
            skeleton [33]     no       yes      no    (6,6,0)
           barbarian [34]     no       yes      no    (2,1,0)
          wild horse [51]     yes      no       no     -
        riding horse [52]     yes      no       no     -
            warmount [53]     yes      no       no     -
        winged horse [54]     yes      no       no     -
              nazgul [55]     yes      no       yes   (80,80,0)
       battering ram [60]     no       no       no    (30,250,0)
            catapult [61]     no       no       no    (25,200,25)
         siege tower [62]     no       no       no    (30,250,0)
                  ox [76]     yes      no       no     -
           ratspider [81]     no       no       yes   (5,5,0)
            centaur [271]     yes      no       yes   (30,30,0)
           minotaur [272]     yes      no       yes   (30,5,0)
       giant spider [278]     yes      no       yes   (150,100,0)
                rat [279]     yes      no       yes   (3,3,0)
               lion [280]     yes      no       yes   (100,100,0)
         giant bird [281]     yes      no       yes   (200,150,0)
       giant lizard [282]     yes      no       yes   (45,45,0)
             bandit [283]     no       yes      no    (3,3,0)
            chimera [284]     yes      no       yes   (130,130,0)
             harpie [285]     yes      no       yes   (80,120,0)
             dragon [286]     yes      no       yes   (500,500,250)
                orc [287]     no       yes      yes   (20,15,0)
             gorgon [288]     yes      no       yes   (10,20,0)
               wolf [289]     yes      no       yes   (5,5,0)
            cyclops [291]     no       yes      yes   (25,75,0)
              giant [292]     no       yes      yes   (75,25,0)
              faery [293]     no       yes      no    (9,9,9)
              hound [295]     yes      no       no    (1,1,0)

Item weights

The weights of some of the animals has been increased a bit. A -1 in a carrying capacity field means that the item will carry its own weight, but nothing additional. Capacity does not include the weight of the item itself.

item name                     weight land ride  fly
---- ----                     ------ ---- ----  ---
   1 gold                          0    0    0    0
  10 peasant                     100  100    0    0
  11 worker                      100  100    0    0
  12 soldier                     100  100    0    0
  13 archer                      100  100    0    0
  14 knight                      400  100  100    0
  15 elite guard                 400  100  100    0
  16 pikeman                     100  100    0    0
  17 blessed soldier             100  100    0    0
  18 ghost warrior                 0    0    0    0
  19 sailor                      100  100    0    0
  20 swordsman                   100  100    0    0
  21 crossbowman                 100  100    0    0
  22 elite archer                100  100    0    0
  23 angry peasant               100  100    0    0
  24 pirate                      100  100    0    0
  25 elf                         100  100    0    0
  26 spirit                      100  100    0    0
  31 undead                      100  100    0    0
  32 savage                      100  100    0    0
  33 skeleton                    100  100    0    0
  34 barbarian                   100  100    0    0
  51 wild horse                1,000   -1   -1    0
  52 riding horse              1,000  150  150    0
  53 warmount                  1,000  150  150    0
  54 winged horse              1,000  150  150  150
  55 nazgul                    1,500  150  150  150
  59 flotsam                      30    0    0    0
  60 battering ram               300    0    0    0
  61 catapult                    300    0    0    0
  62 siege tower                 300    0    0    0
  63 ratspider venom               0    0    0    0
  64 lana bark                     1    0    0    0
  65 avinia leaf                   1    0    0    0
  66 spiny root                    1    0    0    0
  67 farrenstone                   1    0    0    0
  68 yew                           3    0    0    0
  69 elfstone                      1    0    0    0
  70 mallorn wood                 30    0    0    0
  71 pretus bones                  1    0    0    0
  72 longbow                       3    0    0    0
  73 plate armor                   5    0    0    0
  74 longsword                     5    0    0    0
  75 pike                          5    0    0    0
  76 ox                        2,000 1,500   -1    0
  77 wood                         30    0    0    0
  78 stone                       100    0    0    0
  79 iron                         10    0    0    0
  80 leather                      30    0    0    0
  81 ratspider                     1    0    0    0
  82 mithril                       5    0    0    0
  83 gate crystal                  1    0    0    0
  84 blank scroll                  2    0    0    0
  85 crossbow                     10    0    0    0
  87 fish                          2    0    0    0
  93 opium                         1    0    0    0
  94 woven basket                  1    0    0    0
  95 clay pot                      5    0    0    0
  96 tax cookie                    0    0    0    0
  98 drum                          2    0    0    0
  99 hide                         50    0    0    0
 101 mob cookie                    0    0    0    0
 102 lead                         10    0    0    0
 261 pitch                       100    0    0    0
 271 centaur                   1,000  150  150    0
 272 minotaur                    800   -1   -1    0
 273 undead cookie                 0    0    0    0
 274 fog cookie                    0    0    0    0
 275 wind cookie                   0    0    0    0
 276 rain cookie                   0    0    0    0
 277 mage menial cookie            0    0    0    0
 278 giant spider                500   -1   -1    0
 279 rat                          50   -1   -1    0
 280 lion                        750   -1   -1    0
 281 giant bird                1,500   -1   -1   -1
 282 giant lizard              1,000   -1   -1    0
 283 bandit                      100  100    0    0
 284 chimera                     800   -1   -1    0
 285 harpie                      500   -1   -1   -1
 286 dragon                    2,500   -1   -1   -1
 287 orc                         100  100   -1    0
 288 gorgon                      200   -1   -1    0
 289 wolf                        100   -1   -1    0
 290 crystal orb                   1    0    0    0
 291 cyclops                     200  200    0    0
 292 giant                       200  200    0    0
 293 faery                        10   10    0    0
 294 petty thief cookie            0    0    0    0
 295 hound                        65   -1    0    0
 401 Imperial Throne               0    0    0    0