
Skills represent knowledge that Olympian characters may know. Shipbuilding, thievery, kidnaping, training soldiers, castle building, mixing potions, and forging magical artifacts are just a few of the possible actions which skills allow a character to perform.

Skills are divided into category skills and sub-skills within those categories. The skill categories are:

num  name                      time to learn
---  ----                      -------------
600  Shipcraft                 three weeks
610  Combat                    three weeks
630  Stealth                   four weeks
650  Beastmastery              four weeks, 1 NP req'd
670  Persuasion                four weeks
680  Construction              three weeks
690  Alchemy                   four weeks
700  Forestry                  three weeks
720  Mining                    three weeks
730  Trade                     three weeks

There are also six schools of magic. For more details on learning and casting magical spells, see the Magical Arts section.

The category skill must be learned before any of the sub-skills within the category may be known.

With each skill learned, the player will receive a lore sheet describing background information about the skill and how it may be used. Most skills are invoked with the `use skill' order. The skill lore sheets will give specific information about arguments to use and and requirements or limitations for using the skill.

The lore sheets for the skill categories list some of the skills available for study within the category.

For instance, a noble wishing to undertake the study of Shipcraft would first learn the category skill with the study command:

    study 600

The Shipcraft lore sheet lists some of the sub-skills available for building and sailing ships. One of these is Sailing [601], the skill required to control a ship on the ocean. The aspiring captain could then order:

    study 601

Once Sailing [601] is known, the lore sheet describing its usage will appear in the player's turn report.

To begin study of a skill requires the following:

Sources of instruction

The source of instruction may be one of the following:

Fee to begin study

A fee of 100 gold is charged when study is first issued for a skill. The payment is used to acquire various materials needed for the study and eventual practice of the skill.

Advanced skills

Some advanced skills require Noble Points to begin study. Each player begins the game with a number of NPs, and receives an additional one each year on the anniversary of their entry into the game. Noble Points may be spent to acquire new nobles, or to learn advanced skills.

Most skills do not require Noble Points to learn. NPs are required for some heroic combat skills and for advanced magical spells.

Study limit

Characters may STUDY up to 14 days per turn.

Fast study

All new players are given 100 "fast study" points. Each fast study point may be applied to a skill being studied in lieu of actually spending a day studying.

For example, the order study 600 7 would apply 7 fast study days to learning Shipcraft. This study order would take 0 days to execute.

Skill Experience

Experience is counted for each turn that a skill use is successfully completed. If a skill is used more than once per turn, only the first success will count towards experience.

Projects which take multiple turns to complete, such as shipbuilding or castle construction, only count towards experience when the project is finished.

 use            level
-----           -----
 0-4            apprentice
 5-11           journeyman
12-20           adept
21-34           master
 35+            grand master

Experience will speed work with some skills. For example, a master shipbuilder will be able to construct a galley somewhat faster than an apprentice. Some skill uses benefit more from experience than others.

Skills not rated for experience

A few skills are not rated for experience. These may be skills which are not directly used, or ones for which experience has no meaning. If a skill is not rated for experience, the skill level will not be shown in the skill listing.

For instance:

Skills known:
    601  Sailing, apprentice
   9999  Strength bonus

Since experience is not applicable to Strength bonus [9999], its level is not shown.


Direct character-to-character teaching is not possible in Olympia. However, it is said that some magicians and alchemists possess the ability to record knowledge on scrolls, which other characters may study from.

Summary of studying

  • The category skill must be learned before a sub-skill within the category may be studied.
  • Beginning study of any skill costs 100 gold.
  • Payment of Noble Points may be required to begin learning some advanced skills.
  • A source of instruction must be available the first time study is issued:
    • The skill is taught by the location.
    • Characters may study up to 14 days per month.
    • The skill is commonly known, so it may be studied anywhere once its category skill is known.
    • The skill was discovered through research, so it may now be studied.
    • The skill is taught by a book or a scroll.
  • Once a skill is known, further study of that skill has no effect.

A rough example

This is a rough, heavily edited example of how some study commands might look in a turn report. All of the other details that a real turn report would have were omitted to focus on the study orders.

Turn one:

Skills taught here:
   Shipcraft [600]

 1: > study 600
 1: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
 1: Will study Shipcraft for seven days.
 7: Learned Shipcraft [600].

Lore for Shipcraft [600]
All skills concerning ocean travel fall under this category.
Shipcraft encompasses the building and repair of ships,
training of sailors, and navigation at sea.

The following skills may be studied directly once Shipcraft
is known:

   num   skill                              time to learn
   ---   -----                              -------------
   601   Sailing                            one week

Further skills may be found through research.

Turn two:

 1: > study 601
 1: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
 1: Will study Sailing for seven days.
 7: Learned Sailing [601].

(It doesn't matter where 601 is studied, since 600 offers it directly.)

Turn three:

 1: > study 690
 1: Instruction in [690] is not available here.

(Need to find a location or book that offers instruction in Alchemy)

Turn four:

 1: enter xxxx
 1: Arrival at City of Alchemists [xxxx]

Skills taught here:
   Alchemy [690]

 1: > study 690
 1: Paid 100 gold to begin study.
 1: Will study Alchemy for seven days.

Partially known skills:
   690  Alchemy, 7/14

(Alchemy requires 14 days of study to learn, seven of which we have completed.)

Turn five:

 1: > study 690
 1: Continue studying Alchemy.
 7: Learned Alchemy [690].

Skills known:
   600  Shipcraft
        601  Sailing, apprentice
   690  Alchemy