Use the order template

An order template listing all of the units for a player and showing any pending orders for those units, appears at the bottom of the turn sheet.

Order template

begin 812  # Master Bogomil's Family

unit 2508  # Tudor
   # > make 74 (still executing)

unit 2947  # Milo

unit 4375  # Beorn
   # > move s (executing for one more day)

unit 4763  # Sylvia

unit 5977  # Drango
   # > collect 87 0 0 (still executing)
   sail e
   sail s

unit 5418  # Comte de le Sang


Note that the layout of the order template matches the syntax the order scanner expects. Many players find it convenient to edit this template to add or change commands for their units. Mail everything from the begin to end (inclusive) to the order scanner. It is wise to save a copy of the orders you submit in case there are errors and they need to be resent.

Be careful

Beware of sending in different sets of orders too quickly. Sometimes messages sent within a short time of each other will arrive out of order. This can wreak havoc on your turn if the wrong orders arrive last. Compose your orders offline and review them before mailing. A simple typographical error in your orders could ruin your whole turn!

Some players make clever use of the PASSWORD order to make sure that an order set lingering out in the email system on the network which arrives late won't replace a more recent order set sent in. For example, say you submit some orders on Friday, and they don't show up by Monday. Monday you send an updated set of orders to order scanner and get an instant reply. The Friday orders have not arrived yet, but you're worried that they're out there and will arrive sooner or later, replacing the newer set of orders you just sent in. Solution: issue a PASSWORD order in the newer set, so the Friday orders will fail when they do arrive.