Arms Real spell list by (bruce.w.reisman).
Rolemaster Spell Law (3rd ed) spells and parameters. MS-Excel 5.0 Spreadsheet.
Alchemical spells for rolemaster.
Rolemaster Spell Law (3rd ed) spells and parameters for channeling realm.
Rolemaster Spell Law (3rd ed) spells and parameters for mentalism realm.
Rolemaster Spell Law (3rd ed) spells and parameters for essence realm.
Spell list index collected by Timo Alakoski In this spell list index are all spell lists from SL to RMC7 + Spell Users Companion (SUC) + Alchemy Companion (ALCO). Elemental companion (EC) list is from Matthew Moss , Oriental Companion (OC) and Space Master (2nd edition) psion lists (PB) are from Reger Burton-West . Timo Alakoski (17 KB) [Nov 8 1995] Names, levels and types of spells in ICE Spell Law (RMSS edition). Currently only channeling and essence spells included. Collected by Torquil Gault
Names, levels and types of spells in ICE Spell Law (RMSS edition). Currently only channeling and essence spells included. Collected by Torquil Gault