AmiGrolem115.lha (106 KB) [Feb 12 1994]
GRolem V1.15 for AMIGA, Veli-Matti Sahlberg
Grolem is computerized character generator for RoleMaster roleplaying game.
With Grolem it is fast and easy to make characters for Rolemaster
(and compatible :-) roleplaying games. Currently supported profesions cover
RoleMaster boxedset books, Companion I,II,III,IV,V,EC,OC,VI,VII and ARMSC.
Support for about 282 skills and 60 races is included.
See file Grolems.readme for more information.
CharMan (--link--) [Aug 13 1996]
Rolemaster Character Management program (Windows 95). Veeeerrrrry large
and very comprehensive. By Bryan Reynolds, Check out his
page at (508 bytes) [Feb 26 1994]
These are the registeration files for PCGRolem and AmigaGrolem.
If you are using AmiGrolem copy the file to data directory.
If you are using PCGrolem copy the file owner.dat to data directory.
Grolems.readme (4 KB) [Feb 12 1994]
More information about AmiGRolem115.lha and
PCGrolem115.readme (3 KB) [Sep 12 1994]
More information about (87 KB) [Sep 12 1994]
PCGRolem V1.15 for MSDOS, Veli-Matti Sahlberg
Grolem is computerized character generator for RoleMaster roleplaying game.
With Grolem it is fast and easy to make characters for Rolemaster
(and compatible :-) roleplaying games. Currently supported profesions cover
RoleMaster boxedset books, Companion I,II,III,IV,V,EC,OC,VI,VII and ARMSC.
Support for about 282 skills and 60 races is included.
See file PCGrolem115.readme for more information.
RMCharBuilder0.9.sit.hqx (103 KB) [Nov 2 1995]
Rolemaster Standard System Character Generator for Mac. Version 0.9.
Written by Guy Fullerton.
Email address
RMINIT.ZIP (1797 KB) [May 5 1996]
Combat action tracking program for WIN95 by
This program was designed for GM's who are not using the Standard Rolemaster
Combat System. What it does is allows DM's to assign a length of time it
takes to complete an action. Actions like Melee attack, cast spell, prep,
hex facing change, movement, and so on. Also it keeps track of what the
players minus to movement DB and OB are so when they do attack, move, or have
to defend themselve appropriate minus is tracked. It keeps track on how many
hits they have and what conditions they have. A condition could be anything
from bleeding to being invisible to being stunned.
RMSSAPPS.ZIP (342 KB) [Jul 23 1996]
Excel spreadsheet tools for Rolemaster Standard System by Joel Lovell
You type in the die rolls for initiative and select from the pull down menu
the actions, and enter the modifiers for the action, and it will calculate
the time for that action automatically. You can have up to 15 characters up
at once with each up to three simultaneous actions. This is
CEATS II computerized, ala spreadsheet.
This is the definitive "working" spreadsheet for RMSS character creation.
A one page simple sheet for GM to create a little more detailed npc's
with. It doesn't have the skill worksheets, etc. You may or may not
find it useful, but I use it to work up on the fly a npc's stats,
RR's, etc. as needed.
ROLMAKER.ZIP (215 KB) [May 6 1995]
character generation spreadsheet for Rolemaster in Excel 5.0 -format
This new version supports 119 RM and SM professions (from Administrator to
Wizard), 390 skills, 48 races and it has dialog boxes to make it more
user-friendly (it's a Excel 5.0-file with visual basic macros). (166 KB) [Aug 27 1993]
Character generator for Rolemaster by Ted Badiuk
Version 0.96a (Demo).
STATGEN.ZIP (5 KB) [Oct 30 1995]
A small Excel 5.0 Spreadsheet that will help in generating
temp and pot stats for RMSS. By Matt Barkdull (
citydes.pas (10 KB) [Mar 8 1994]
City Design program for Rolemaster by Bent C Dalager .
Inspired by the City Design stuff in RMCI(pp 76-78). This program, as is,
requires a printer, but the source can easily be modified to print to the
screen or to a text file.
The program does NOT follow the guidelines for creating <1000 inhabitants
cities, i.e. it does NOT check the fractional number of people and treat
this as a percentage of one additional soldier/bard/whatever being present.
The the system used herein is probably Copyright Iron Crown Enterprises.
The system is snatched from Rolemaster Companion (I), a rules addendum
book for the most excellent Rolemaster role playing game.
Bent C Dalager
citygen.c (9 KB) [Mar 8 1994]
City generator (RMCI) in C by Paul Stafford . (159 KB) [Jun 3 1997]
Encounter Law. Basically based on Rolemaster but can
be used in all fantasy games. Pascal sources included
By Juhani Olkku ( (--link--) [Jul 24 1995]
GM is a Tool for roleplaying games based on die 100
it is also based on the ICE systems SPACE- und ROLEMASTER.
with GM one can create:
characters, dungeons, universes, solarsystems, spaceships,
and several not common vehicles.
Additionally GM helps at: Personal Combat (SC, NSC, NSC-bank),
Space/ Vehiclecombat und Future/Fantasy equipment
Included are many Charts (Personal Attacks, Critical Tables,
Fumble Tables, Runtime Help Index, Interstellar Attacks, Location
of Damage, Vehicle Malfunctions, Random Name/Words, Personal
Maneuvers, Repair and Research, Time Line, Universe Distance,
Vehicular Criticals, Weapon Statistics).
GM is shareware by Paul Greco, manuals and help
are availeble at registration (15 $ registering, 20 $ each manual),
the latest version is 3.10
I'd like to contact with GM-Users.
(Stefan Schiebeler)
gmreadme.txt (--link--) [Jul 24 1995]
Readme of
grodemo2.readme (3 KB) [Sep 14 1994]
More information about (143 KB) [Sep 12 1994]
Demo of PCGrolem 2.00 for MSDOS, Veli-Matti Sahlberg (
CRIPPLED. See file grodemo2.readme for more details. (141 KB) [Apr 28 1996]
MERP Combat Program for DOS / Windows or even Unix (with a little recoding).
Includes executable for DOS. Start the program with 'runmerp.bat'.
This program is not meant to be the 'be all and end all' of combat programs
but to contain enough information and do enough of the processes within a
combat to enable the DM to do what they're meant to ... "Make the game
enjoyable for all". It is currently targeted more for MERP but the internal
structures and processes have all the 'bits' for doing RM.
by Torquil Gault (198 KB) [Apr 28 1996]
RMSS Combat Program for DOS / Windows or even Unix (with a little recoding).
Includes executable for DOS. Start the program with 'runrms.bat'.
This program is not meant to be the 'be all and end all' of combat programs
but to contain enough information and do enough of the processes within a
combat to enable the DM to do what they're meant to ... "Make the game
enjoyable for all". It is currently targeted more for MERP but the internal
structures and processes have all the 'bits' for doing RM.
by Torquil Gault
nation.tar.gz (51 KB) [Jan 31 1995]
A citydesign-tool for Rolemaster(TM). Based on the procedure from
Rolemaster Companion I, but heavily modified. Runs in PC.
Tar-file includes sourcefiles and readme. (1415 KB) [Mar 19 1997]
Rolemaster Character Management System (RCMS) v1.2 by Bruce Gulke
( for Win95/NT. File 1 /3.
The RCMS is a 32-bit Windows application that assists in the
generation of characters for the Rolemaster Standard System (RMSS). It
includes all the professions, races, training packages, and spell lists
from the RMSR, Spell Law, Treasure Companion, and Arcane Companion.
To install, download the three files (, and into the same directory, unzip them there, and run
SETUP.EXE. (1461 KB) [Mar 19 1997]
Rolemaster Character Management System (RCMS) v1.2 by Bruce Gulke
( for Win95/NT. File 2 /3. (1391 KB) [Mar 19 1997]
Rolemaster Character Management System (RCMS) v1.2 by Bruce Gulke
( for Win95/NT. File 3 /3.
readme.nat (7 KB) [Jan 31 1995]
Readme-file for nation-program archieved in nation.tar.gz
readme.tim (3 KB) [Jan 31 1995]
Readme-file for timeline-program archieved in timeline.tar.gz (17 KB) [Aug 19 1995]
PC -utility. Rolemaster Combat Helper. Preliminary version 1.0. (700 KB) [Dec 21 1996]
RMSS Character Management program By Gary Renaud .
The program will run under Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and NT 3.5. It
will PROBABLY work under NT 4.0, but it is untested.
The program:
* Generates RMSS characters of levels 1 to 255(!).
* Supports all races in RMSR (plus a few more), and all classes and spells
in all books published to date.
* Selectable between Talents and Flaws in RMSR and a background system like in
RMCI. It does not support Talent Law.
* Adjustable initial stat points (including number of dice).
* Adjustable development point multiplier
* Uses US or SI measurements for height and weight
* Characters saved in standard Access 2.0 files so GM can hack if needed.
* Characters can be printed, saved as ASCII, or formatted into Word 6.0
* Selectable which skills will print; some can print in boldface
* NPC option allows GM to "cheat" by overspending stat or development points,
and to reroll backgrounds, talents, flaws.
* Option to modify or ignore the silly 5 lists/level rule.
* Advance-and-Keep allows you (after level 5 or so) to rapidly run an NPC up in
levels. This won't work of course if you limit spells lists/level.
* Context-sensitive help (just press F1)
* Generic skills (like 1H Slash) have all the instances (dagger, short
sword, ...) that I could think of included, and you can add your own.
By modifying the main database (using Access 2.0, the appendix in the manual,
and a lot of patience), you can add, delete, or change:
* The races.
* The classes.
* The skills.
* The spell lists.
* The training packages.
* Talents, Flaws, and RMCI-style Backgrounds
* RRs
* Even the Stats
You may need to fetch some standard DLL from elsewhere, if you don't
already have them. (90 KB) [Feb 9 1995]
Rolemaster(TM) Condensed Combat System (from RM Companion I) -program
Written and Compiled by Andrea Puglisi, September 94
Includes most of the basic Critical tables of RM. Runs in PC. FREEWARE.
timeline.tar.gz (10 KB) [Jan 31 1995]
A historical timeline-generator. Based on an event-table from some
Rolemaster(TM) Companion. Runs in PC. Tar-file includes sourcefiles
and readme. (72 KB) [Sep 5 1995]
This program was written as a companion to WARLAW, a ROLEMASTER
system for large scale fantasy combat from Iron Crown Enterprises.
The program will allow you to resolve large scale combat using an
approximation of the ARMS LAW system from IRON CROWN.
PC -utility. Shareware. By David Eubanks.