Seikkailu_1 (12 KB) [Apr 17 1994]
"Seikkailu_1" is a Finnish (note: not English) adventure module
(well, sort of one) for "Ala-Keski-Maa Roolipeli" (lmerp.txt),
the "most" popular roleplaying game in Finland by Niilo Paasivirta
Niilo Paasivirta
lmerp.txt (78 KB) [Jun 22 1995]
"Ala-Keski-Maa Roolipeli" is a Finnish (note: not English) text based on the
Finnish version of the Tolkien parody "Bored of the Rings". It is some kind
of a role-playing game joke. Versio 1.01 by Niilo Paasivirta .
Niilo Paasivirta
lmerp_map.gif (15 KB) [Apr 2 1993]
lmerp_map.gif is a 8-color, 640x256 picture containing the map of
"Ala-Keski Maa", a parody of the J.R.R.Tolkien's Middle Earth. The texts in
the map are in finnish language. The map is by Niilo Paasivirta .
Niilo Paasivirta