ftp.funet.fi /pub/culture/japan/pc/hterm Contents

This is the Japan-related files and programs archive at ftp.funet.fi. Please send comments to haa@ftp.funet.fi.

This is an experimental WWW interface to the ftp.funet.fi files at /pub/culture/japan/pc/hterm. You can also look at the files here via plain FTP.

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Contents of /pub/culture/japan/pc/hterm

This is a kanji-capable terminal program for PC:s.

HINTS (8 kilobytes)
This is a symbolic link to other parts of our archives.
b2600ibm.lzh (568 kilobytes)
bin2600.lzh (936 kilobytes)
hello.eng (8 kilobytes)
hello.jpn (8 kilobytes)
maru14.hft (248 kilobytes)
src2600.lzh (712 kilobytes)
version (8 kilobytes)

/pub/culture/japan archives at ftp.funet.fi,

(Updated Mon Oct 25 04:45:35 EET DST 1999)