ftp.funet.fi /pub/culture/japan/mirrors/ujip/perl Contents

This is the Japan-related files and programs archive at ftp.funet.fi. Please send comments to haa@ftp.funet.fi.

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Contents of /pub/culture/japan/mirrors/ujip/perl

b64decode.pl (2 kilobytes)
codeconv.pl (2 kilobytes)
four.pl (36 kilobytes)
jcode.pl-1.9 (7 kilobytes)
kconv_emulate.pl-1.2 (2 kilobytes)
perl-kconv-kit (29 kilobytes)
pkf-1.8 (3 kilobytes)
romkan.pl-1.4 (5 kilobytes)

/pub/culture/japan archives at ftp.funet.fi,

(Updated Mon Dec 22 04:54:18 EET 1997)