ftp.funet.fi /pub/culture/japan/mirrors/jcliu Contents

This is the Japan-related files and programs archive at ftp.funet.fi. Please send comments to haa@ftp.funet.fi.

This is an experimental WWW interface to the ftp.funet.fi files at /pub/culture/japan/mirrors/jcliu. You can also look at the files here via plain FTP.

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Contents of /pub/culture/japan/mirrors/jcliu

This is a mirror of the archive of stories and karaoke stuff maintained by J C Liu, a well-known person in the *.japan newsgroups. [neutrino.nuc.berkeley.edu:/pub/Japanese]

htdocs (directory)
karaoke (directory)
misc (directory)
sabishii_onna (directory)
sekkusu_zannen (directory)
software (directory)
tokyo_off_time (directory)
travel (directory)

/pub/culture/japan archives at ftp.funet.fi,

(Updated Mon Dec 22 04:47:26 EET 1997)