From: Date: Sat, 17 Jun 1995 04:06:22 -0400 Subject: Note re. 6/16 Articles Some of you may ask why you have not yet received articles from Friday, 6/16. Synod has only partially completed an extremely sensitive debate on continued relations with the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland and several of the principals have requested that no story be printed until synod completes its deliberations. In addition, a story on the appointment review process needs to be checked for purposes of accuracy with a denominational official. Since the first of these items was the clearly the most controversial item on the 6/16 agenda, it seems unwise to send out a news release packet before synod has completed its deliberations on the matter or postponed such deliberations to later date. For that reason, the entire news release packet is being held pending completion of the matter. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Peace in Christ, Darrell Todd Maurina ------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr95-066a.txt .