PSALM TWENTY TWO THE SONG OF THE MORNING HIND. This psalm has been called by some, "The Gospel according to David." There is some controversy about its title, "Upon Aijeleth Shahar". The name could mean a number of things:- 1. The name of the choir. 2. The name of a piece of music. 3. The name of a musical instrument, or the subject matter of the psalm. Since 'Aijeleth' can be translated 'Hind' and 'Shahar' translated 'morning', I like the translation which refers to the psalm as the Song of the morning Hind. David is fond of referring to animals he knew and had observed. He sings, "He maketh my feet like hind's feet", "As the hart panteth after the water brooks.", The hind, in the morning, faces another day with his enemies - the dogs, the lions, the bulls. In the verses of this psalm there are obvious prophetic references to Messiah. The truth comes through to any beleaguered heart. Though each day we face the assaults of the enemy, let us face each day with the song of the morning hind. In particular, let us note verse 26, which is the crux of the song. "The meek shall eat and shall be satisfied." Some translations read, "The meek shall eat of the sacrifice." No matter how rampant the enemy may be around us, we have a table to eat of, where each is filled and each is satisfied. The morning hind rises each day to eat of the table which the Lord has provided for him. The enemy cannot rob us of the satisfaction we have at the Lord's table. At that table we know we have found deliverance from the lions, and the dogs, and the bulls of Bashan. The Lord Jesus has died that we might live, and he is alive that we should live for ever. The verse continues, "They shall praise the Lord that seek Him." To seek the Lord is a phrase used for the whole of religion. Seeking to know God. Seeking to be like Him; seeking to possess His favour and His protection; seeking to serve and obey Him; seeking to have communion with Him; seeking to be with Him, where He is. There is that within the being of man which cannot be satisfied without God. Man must seek God; but he must seek Him in the right way. Seek Him intelligently not superstitiously. The Apostle was aware of how the Greeks sought God, but they were very superstitious. Superstition leads to gross error. Man must seek the Lord diligently, not carelessly. The Bible declares that God is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Let each new day begin with seeking after God, not looking for our enemies. Men must seek humbly after God, not proudly, The proud He knoweth afar off. Men must seek wholeheartedly, not hypocritically. It is no use play-acting with God. In seeking God men will praise Him because they will find the satisfying blessing in Him The third phrase in verse 26 is, "Your heart shall live for ever." Our eternal life has begun here on earth. To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. The meek shall live in peace, joy, purity and love. No wonder Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth." Sing the song of the morning hind! Copyright (c) 1995, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/hpalmer/psalms: ps-022.txt .