file: /pub/resources/text/announce: speed-the-need.txt ------------------------------------------------------ INVITATION TO JOIN "SPEED THE NEED" (STN) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To: Christians From: David Hatch, Pastor, Our Saviour Luth/Green Bay, WI RE: "SPEED THE NEED" Missionary prayer bulletins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I am David Hatch, Co-Pastor at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Green Bay, WI. Our Board of Evangelism has organized an email prayer bulletin service for missionaries called "SPEED THE NEED". If I have slipped, and re-invited you, please excuse this mail. HERE IS HOW STN WORKS: Now STN is for all foreign Christian missionaries. Missionaries forward special and urgent prayer needs to this "SPEED THE NEED" base. That prayer request will be edited and sent back out to our subscribers in the form of a bulletin. The bulletins will be sent only when a need is sent to us . WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE to our bulletins and pray. There is no cost, no obligation. It is as easy as reading the mail. Perhaps pass this invitation on to a missions board in your church. Consider passing our bulletins on to your pastor for congregational prayers. TO SUBSCRIBE: to STN: send a message to: MAILSERV@CRF.CUIS.EDU and in the BODY of the message type: SUBSCRIBE STN TO UNSUBSCRIBE to STN: send a message to: MAILSERV@CRF.CUIS.EDU and in the BODY of the message type: UNSUBSCRIBE STN TO SEND A MISSIONARY NEED REQUEST: Address E-mail to HATCHD@GBMS01.UWGB.EDU Describe the missionary need. You may wish to leave out the names of the missionaries. Email addresses and names will be STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, unless noted otherwise by the one posting a need. Please limit the needs to what you would consider urgent, or very important. SPEED THE NEED reserves the right to deny and/or edit submissions. MORE MISSION NEWS AVAILABLE TO YOU: You may wish to call your local Christian radio station for air times of MISSION NETWORK NEWS, a news wire service giving late breaking stories from mission outposts around the world. WE BELIEVE IN "THE THREE FREE GIFTS" by fait GIFT ONE: FORGIVENESS....that on Calvary's cross Jesus Christ, God's Son, paid for our sins with with His atoning death in our place. GIFT TWO: A LIVING SHEPHERD....that on Easter Sunday Jesus rose from the grave victoriously, promising to be our living Lord and guide in life when our faith is in Him. GIFT THREE: HEAVEN...that by faith in Jesus Christ, our eternal salvation in Heaven is secure, that it is not earned or deserved, but ours by faith. Dave Hatch