file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1992: pln-0203.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 2, No. 3 February, 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) ARE WE PREPARED TO WIN? by Will Liegel, Jr. It's a thought worth pondering: What if we win and the message of the pro-life movement is heard and heeded? Imagine... the setting aside of laws permitting abortion on demand... the halting of the murder of millions of pre-born infants. These are just a few of the hopes to be realized should the truth of God prevail in the courts of our land. But there's more to see in that future without abortion. Witness... hundreds of thousands of babies born each year only to grow up without permanent homes or loving parents... children shunted from foster homes to group homes to institutions to the streets... minors swelling the ranks of those abused by parents unwilling or unable to care for their offspring. What a strange contrast of dream and nightmare you say? Christians wouldn't let these children down, would they? Aren't there thousands of couples waiting to adopt? The fact of the matter is that conservative Christians as a whole are looking only at a small, perhaps all-too-carefully chosen part of the abortion picture. They are focusing upon the _value_ of the pre-born and are casting only a sidelong glance at the needs of these children once they are born, avoiding the real situation of so many American kids today. Some of the truths to consider have to do with the fact that the great majority of those waiting to adopt are seeking _only_ a "normal, whit infant." Children born with mental defects or physical handicaps, children born to alcoholic, AIDS-infected, or drug-addicted mothers, children from mixed or minority parentage -- these languish in the netherworld of an overburdened, underfunded, poorly directed social service system. Often they are never adopted and enter adulthood as emotional/social cripples full of anger. Just consider the future numbers of these children swelled by millions each year, the unaborted pre-born infants of past years entering life in need of nurture. The pro-life movement is good and right and in line with the Word of God. But unless Christians are willing to stretch themselves to meet the wide and deep needs of children today and tomorrow, our nation will surely suffer an even greater disaster than that suffered at the hands of the abortionists of the '70s and '80s. We must begin to make provision _now_ for future victories. And who am I to talk? A parent to nine children, six of whom are handicapped and adopted, including two black toddlers who were in a Christian agency, but were repeatedly passed over by couples who would rather wait for years than consider a child of a minority race. I'm an adoption volunteer who has counseled over one hundred Christian couples who were desperate to adopt -- but who ended their interviews with, "No, we're sorry. We would never raise a child like _that_." I'm a church officer who realized that fostering and adoption is not a calling for everyone, but who is stunned by the tiny percentage of Christians who will even consider it. I'm a political conservative who wonders how my fellows can march for life and yet vote to disembowel the social service system that we will soon need so desperately. The church has always been there for the children, at the Bible's command. Until this century, the church _was_ the social service system of the world. So, with that in mind, we must prepare to be there for the millions who will be born as the natural outgrowth of a pro-lie victory and who will need our love and assistance. The question remains.... What if we win? The answer? The work will have just begun. - Submitted by Eleen Kamas ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) READER RESPONSES to "A Letter From The Future" (v2n2) I would like to object in the strongest possible terms to the "Letter From The Future" contained in the last issue [v2n2] of Prolife News. It is this kind of extremism which has in the past kept me away from pro-life organizations, despite my beliefs. I object for two reasons: First, by extrapolating from extreme points of view within the pro-abortion camp you are seriously distorting and over-simplifying our opponents reasoning. While this letter represents _one_ logical conclusion which can be drawn from their beliefs, it is not the only one. Most pro-abortion supporters would dismiss it out of hand. Any who gave more than a moments thought could probably rip it to intellectual shreds; in the process they would probably repudiate (at least implicitly) many of the extreme views being attacked. Second, and more importantly: What good does this letter do? It certainly will not win over our opponents, and it will almost as certainly alienate those who are uncommitted. To quote a fictional Supreme Court justice in Walter Murphy's novel _The Vicar of Christ_: "Every time I hear a pro-life speaker, I conclude that abortion on demand is the a reasonable alternative; each time I hear a pro-choice argument I decide that abortions should be restricted." (This is a misquote and not as pithy as the original.) For many years the pro-life movement has complained that it was painted as mindless fanatics and that no-one would engage it in serious debate. But this letter is not an attempt at serious debate--it is demagoguery. Speaking of demagoguery, I have in hand a fund-raising letter from Planned Parenthood and despite being irrational and hysterical, it had one potent insert: a page of choice (mis)quotes from some of the more extreme members of the pro-life camp. Their media experts would have a field day with this "Letter". Indeed, to borrow a phrase, it "gives aid and comfort to the enemy". We need to fight for life on every front--but we should choose weapons that are thoughtful and effective, not vitriol which only serves to convince of the righteousness of our cause. -Submitted by David Cruz-Uribe ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) "ABORTION SUCKS" Doesn't this say it all? These bumper stickers are printed in Black and Red (on White) and proceeds go to support the California Collegians for Life. Prices: 1-10...$2 each; 11-20...$1.75 each; 21+...$1.50 each To order, send payment to: California Collegians for Life, 50 North Hill Ave., Suite 306 Pasedena, CA 91106, or call (818) 449-8961. -Submitted by Steve Chaney ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) PRIESTS FOR LIFE GRANTED FORMAL APPROVAL Priests for Life, a network of (RC) priests recently (April 30, 1991) was granted official status as a private association in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. They are an association of priests committed to mutual support in promoting the Church's teaching on life issues, and of lay people committed to supporting the clergy in such efforts. For more information, please write: Priests for Life, PO Box 7313 Menlo Park, CA 94126-7313 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) READER QUESTIONS (1) Know any pro-lifers looking for an e-mail pen pal? Please write to Steve Chaney ( (2) My office-mate just ordered (and told me about with great satisfaction) new checks with a "pro choice" message on them. Do you know of any similar deal for pro-life checks? I've seen checks with bible verses on them, what about a blatant prolife message? As my office-mate's advertisement for her checks said, a lot of people see each check you write. It's one more way of spreading the message... [I came across one such printer: Identity Check Printers in Illinois. Their assortment comes with 4 different scenes - "Precious Feet" Mother & Child, Happy Toddler, "Abortion Stops a Beating Heart". 200 Cks - $14, 400 Cks - $24, 300 Duplicate Cks -$27.50, Cover -$1 Write to: Identity Check Printers, Box 149-D Park Ridge IL 60068-8012 -Ed.] (3) Some time ago, in the newsgroup, someone asked for songs with pro-life/anti-abortion themes. I didn't save the suggestions that were posted, as the person was going to post a listing (I thought), but I never saw the list... So, does anyone have (or want to compile) a list of such songs? If not, or if no one else is interested in such a list, please send me names & artists for any songs with pro-life themes you know, and I'll make a list for myself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quote Of the Month: "The world would become a nightmare if the spouses enduring material hardship would perceive their unborn child as a mere material encumbrance and a hazard to their financial stability." Pope John Paul II, 3 June, 1991. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credits: | | 1- From the Jan/Feb issue of "The Christian Reader," v.30, no. 1, | | Jan/Feb. 1992. For subscriptions write: The Christian Reader, | | Subscriber Services, P.O. Box 1913, Marion, OH 43305. For | | comments on articles: The Christian Reader - Readers Write | | P.O. Box 220, Wheaton, IL 60189. | |QOM- Quoted from "Priests for Life Newsletter", v1n3, p3. This was | | quoted from the "L'Osservatore Romano, English Edition" of | | 17 June, 1991. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor.