File: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940530.TXT ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Monday, May 30, 1994 ---------------- READ: Esther 4:10-17 "THE PRINCE OF FREEDOM" I will go to the king, . . . and if I perish, I perish. - Esther 4:16 When I talked to young men shortly before D-day during World War II, I observed that they were scared. None of them wanted to die. However, the vast majority expressed their conviction that the cause for which they were fighting was right and worthy of the risk. Queen Esther had similar feelings. She didn't want to die. She called for a 3-day fast to acknowledge her need for God's special help. According to Persian custom, if she went uninvited to the king and he was displeased, he could order her execution even though she was his wife. Yet Ether loved her people enough to take that risk. Today in the United States, we honor the men and women who died in the service of their country. Their sense of pa- triotism compelled them to put their lives on the line. Whether they had volunteered or had been drafted, they joined in the defense of their homeland. Sometimes they traveled to far away places to support other countries in a fight for freedom. They risked their all and died. Just as we are indebted to those who died to make freedom possible, so we ought to thank God for His Son who died to set us free from the bondage of sin. On this day we have much for be thankful for. Author: Herbert Vander Lugt Lord, keep us mindful of the cost, The price of liberty - Brave men and women gave their lives To conquer tyranny. - Dennis J. De Haan THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: --------------------- The price of our freedom from sin was paid in blood. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 148-150 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. Written per- mission must be obtained from RBC for any further posting or distribution. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598- 7221 ---------------------------------------------------------------------